The Document Database at of Spycops Research presents all documents released by the UCPI, plus a Library of background material - the latest documents first.
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Disclosure is where you will find all files released by the Inquiry as part of its investigations. This includes the contemporaneous reports of spycops, managerial correspondence and notes of meetings with MI5.
Statements and Transcripts has all witness statements, and opening and closing statements, as well as the transcripts of the hearings.
Procedural includes all documents from the moment the Inquiry started in 2015 until the hearings started in 2020.
The Library is a collection of background material to the spycops scandal - essentially relevant reading sourced outside the Inquiry. This includes the various early official reviews of undercover policing.
The filtering fields follow the material: date, author, type, originator/publisher.
3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of an person who works for IPG Magazines and is a union offical
Report on planned picket of a National Front election meeting by the International Marxist Group and International Socialists, to be held at Loughborough School, Brixton on 10 Nov 1976
Report on a planned demo by N London International Socialists against cuts in public expenditure, to be held during PM James Callaghan's visit to Woodberry Dean estate on 9 Nov 1976
Report on personal employment, accomodation, phone and physical details of the Women's Organiser of the International Socialists and active in the National Abortion Campaign
Report on a public meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups on 'The Right to Live' to form an alternative to the International Socialists' Right to Work campaign, held at the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 26 Oct 1976
Report on a Southern area aggregate meeting of the North London District of International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 6 Oct 1976
Minutes of first informal twice-yearly meeting between representatives of the Security Service and Special Branch, held at New Scotland Yard on 11 Oct 1976
Report on contact details provided to members of Hackney and Tower Hamlets International Socialists who want to help with the pre-election campaign in Walsall
Report on upcoming picket of a National Front meeting, organised by the Brent Trades Council and supported by International Socialists, to be held at Burnt Oak library on 14 Oct 1976
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing restructuring of the London organisation, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 29 Sept 1976
Report on a regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics inc a proposed week of action to protest against public sector cuts, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 23 Sept 1976
Report on plans by Big Flame to oppose the Gery Lawless leadership clique at the next Troops Out Movement National Delegate Conference, HN297 nominated to take over
Correspondence stating HN297 DS Clark has been confronted with 'his' birth and death certificates by members of Big Flame and is being withdrawn, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists discussing upcoming picket outside a Magistrates Court for trail of people arrested at Notting Hill Carnival riots, held 17 Sept 1976
Report on the fourth in the series of party-building studies hosted by the Communist Unity Association trying to reconcile M-L factions, held at Willingham Hall NW3 on 7 Sept 1976
Report on meeting of the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297, held at New Inn pub, Tottenham Court Road on 25 Aug 1976
Report on meeting held by the Trico Strike Committee chaired by the AUEW Divisional Organiser for the strike, held at 1 Woodlands Rd, Southall on 31 Aug 1976
Report on educational meeting of Hackney IS 'The Labour Party - can Socialism come through Parliament?' inc 20 minute speech by HN304, held at redacted venue on 11 Aug 1976
Report on regular weekly meeting of Finsbury Park International Socialists inc talk 'Women - the fight for equality' and discussion of Right to Work march, held at redacted venue on 18 Aug 1976
Report on meeting of representatives of Big Flame and Croydon Collective discussing tactics at the formation of Croydon Anti-Fascist Committee to ensure International Socialists don't take over, held at redacted private home on 10 Aug 1976
Report on regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc discussion of interventions in Greenwich Labour Party by two members, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 28 July 1976
Report on meeting of the London Ireland Commission of Big Flame as part of a policy of resisting the TOM leadership, held at 62 Peckham Rd SE5 (home of HN297) on 25 July 1976
Report on regular fortnightly meeting of SE London Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297 inc reports from the Labour Movement Delegation sub-committee and the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of TOM, held at Charlton House SE7 on 28 July 1976
Report on aggregate meeting of Inner East London District International Socialists discussing questions raised at the National Conference of the IS, held at Britannia pub, Mare St E8 on 23 July 1976
Report on the first public meeting of the Hackney Community Relations Council, defended by a guard of left-wing groups, held at Stoke Newington Hall on 22 July 1976
Report submitting a leaflet by the Anarchist Workers Association titled 'Background to the Hanging' to be distributed outside Irish embassy on the hanging of Marie and Noel Murray (copy attached)
Special Branch report on a meeting of the Middlesex Branch of the Worker's League disussing 'race work' and the need to educate Asian people about Marxism, held at Public Rooms, South Street, Isleworth on 15 July 1976
Report on public meeting of the Hackney International Socialists titled 'Black Workers in Struggle - Jamaica - Africa - Britain', held at Princess May School, Hackney on 14 July 1976
Report on a meeting of the SE London branch of Troops Out Movement inc discussion on branch delegate ruled out of order by Gery Lawless at the previous Central Co-Ordinating Committee meeting, held at Charlton House SE7 on 14 July 1976
Report on the inaugural meeting of the newly amalgamated International Socialists district branch of North West and Inner West London, held at Hampstead Heath NW3 on 27 June 1976
Report on a joint debate held by the IMG and the International Communist League on ’Building a Trotskyist International', held at Conway Hall on 25 June 1976
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the Hackney International Socialists inc speech from a member of Building Workers branch of IS about Right to Work campaign, held at Centerprise on 8 July 1976
Report on a regular business meeting of the SE London area of the International Marxist Group, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 24 June 1976
Report on a meeting of the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of Troops Out Movement inc discussion the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) withdrawing support for TOM, held at ULU, Malet St, WC1 on 11 June 1976
Report on a meeting of West Middlesex District of the Workers' League in conjunction with the South Asia Socialist Forum, held at the Public Rooms, Isleworth on 27 May 1976
Report on a meeting between members of the Workers' League and the International Communist League held to discuss plans for a joint meeting on the subject of 'Troops out of Ireland', held at the Salutation pub, King St W6 on 30 May 1976
Report on a regular fortnightly meeting of the SE London branch of TOM (charied by HN297) inc an educational lecture by Richard Chessum on CPGB's position on Ireland, held at Charlton House SE7 on 2 June 1976
Report on a meeting of NE London Workers Action Support Group featuring a speaker from the International Communist League, held at Centreprise bookshop, Kingsland High Road E8 on 1 June 1976
Report on a regular weekly meeting of SE London branch of TOM discussing a report on the TOM National Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 19 May 1976
Report on the first of a series of talks on party building held between members representing several Marxist-Leninist groups, held at Burgh House, New Road NW3 on 22 May 1976
Report on a meeting of Tower Hamlets IS discussing the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law, held at Music library, Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green E2 on 27 May 1976