The Document Database at of Spycops Research presents all documents released by the UCPI, plus a Library of background material - the latest documents first.
The Inquiry documents can be filtered by date, tranche, spycop, group and more, and searched by keyword. For ease of navigation they are in three separate databases:
Disclosure is where you will find all files released by the Inquiry as part of its investigations. This includes the contemporaneous reports of spycops, managerial correspondence and notes of meetings with MI5.
Statements and Transcripts has all witness statements, and opening and closing statements, as well as the transcripts of the hearings.
Procedural includes all documents from the moment the Inquiry started in 2015 until the hearings started in 2020.
The Library is a collection of background material to the spycops scandal - essentially relevant reading sourced outside the Inquiry. This includes the various early official reviews of undercover policing.
The filtering fields follow the material: date, author, type, originator/publisher.
3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion on revolutionary feminism, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 1 June 1977
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP inc discussion of upcoming anti-Jubilee demonstration, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 19 May 1977
Report on a regular meeting of SE London IMG discussing planning joint action between Big Flame and the IMG in elections and campaigns, held at Flat 2, 53 Limes Grove SE13 on 12 May 1977
Report on meeting of N London International Communist League discussing Labour's failure to win seats in and victory of NF in local elections the previous day, held at 118 Tollington Park N4 on 6 May 1977
Report on a day of action organised by the National Union of Public Employees at Weir Maternity Hospital and St George's Hospital, held on 28 April 1977
Report on meeting of S London Workers' League on 'transitional politics and Trotsky’s transitional programme of 1938', held at redacted venue on 26 April 1977
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk by a British Airways employee on the recent strike at Heathrow Airport, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 20 April 1977
Report on meeting of Finsbury Park SWP inc talk on 'Black music and the origins of modern popular music', held at 265a Seven Sisters Rd on 6 April 1977
Report on election campaign aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 21 April 1977, inc leaflets (not attached)
Report that the Socialist Worker has discontinued the employment of full-time organisers following an award of damages for libel against it to a member of the ASTMS
Report on personal physical, dietary and musical details of a member of East London Libertarians who is looking for premises for ELL's proposed bookshop/cafe
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing internal matters and Piers Corbyn standing in GLC election, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Mar 1977
Report on private meeting of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc discussion of unrest at Fords Dagenham and in the wider motor industry, held at Barking Polytechnic on 2 March 1977
Report on members of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) holding inaugural meeting of Outer East London Anti-Fascist Anti-Racist Committee, held Methodist Hall, Albert Rd, Illford at 24 Feb 1977, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on weekly meeting of East London Libertarians inc discussion of setting up bookshop/cafe and upcoming Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law demo, held at redacted venue on 2 March 1977
Report on public meeting of Southern Africa Solidarity Campaign supported by H'smith and Kensington SWP, held at Cryptic One Club, Holy Trinity Church, Bishops Bridge Rd W2 on 3 Mar 1977, inc leaflet 'Denounce racist murder of Emmanual Alombah' (attached)
Report on a confrontation between West London SWP members and National Front marchers in at Watford Gap services and again at NF demo in Birmingham, on 26 Feb 1977
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing local finances and London perspectives for the coming months, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Feb 1977
Report on an anti-racist caucus of SE London International Marxist Group (3 people inc spycop) discussing the Deptford Anti-Racist Campaign, held at redacted venue on 11 Feb 1977
Report on personal family, accommodation and vehicle details of a member of the Islington Teachers branch and North London District Committee of the SWP
Report on a picket planned by N London District SWP and N London Women's Voice at the surgery Michael O'Halloran MP who voted to amend the Abortion Act, to be held at the corner of Holloway Rd and Pemberton Gdns N19 on 11 March 1977
Report listing IMG members who attended that National Abortion Campaign tribunal, held at Central Hall, Westminster on 29 Jan 1977 (list wholly redacted)
Report on public meeting of the IMG in support of leaders of the American Socialist Workers’ Party, held at Friends House, Euston Road on 14 Jan 1977, inc cuttings from Observer, Red Weekly and News Line (attached)
Report on fortnightly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP at which members were elected as Women's Organiser and HN296 as Flame Organiser, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 20 Jan 1977
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc discussion of upcoming All Lewisham Campaign against Racism and Fascism conference, held at redacted venue on 16 Dec 1976
Report on public meeting of Islington International Socialists supported by the Finsbury Park branch with speaker Duncan Hallas on the socialist alternative to the Labour government, held at Essex Rd Library on 8 Dec 1976
Report on the National Conference of the Anarchist Workers Association (HN300 nominated for National Secretary), held at Wandsworth Council for Community Relations, 172 Lavender Hill SW11 on 14-15 Feb 1976, inc 15 page agenda (attached)
Report on a meeting of North London International Socialists titled 'The fight against racialism', held at Earlshead School, Broad Lane N15 on 22 July 1976
Report on inaugural district aggregate meeting of the North London District of the International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 1 Dec 1976
Report on open letter from the the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) to the Communist Workers League of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) in response to a CWLB (M-L) policy document (letter attached)
Report on national aggregate conference of the Workers’ League, held at Birmingham University Students Union and Selly Oak Institute, Birmingham, on 23-24 Oct 1976