The Document Database at of Spycops Research presents all documents released by the UCPI, plus a Library of background material - the latest documents first.
The Inquiry documents can be filtered by date, tranche, spycop, group and more, and searched by keyword. For ease of navigation they are in three separate databases:
Disclosure is where you will find all files released by the Inquiry as part of its investigations. This includes the contemporaneous reports of spycops, managerial correspondence and notes of meetings with MI5.
Statements and Transcripts has all witness statements, and opening and closing statements, as well as the transcripts of the hearings.
Procedural includes all documents from the moment the Inquiry started in 2015 until the hearings started in 2020.
The Library is a collection of background material to the spycops scandal - essentially relevant reading sourced outside the Inquiry. This includes the various early official reviews of undercover policing.
The filtering fields follow the material: date, author, type, originator/publisher.
3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of two members of the Socialist Workers Party
Report on a confrontation between National Front paper sellers and Socialist Workers Party/Anti-Nazi League members at junction of Church Lane and High Road E11 on 10 Feb 1976
Report on two siblings who are members of Cricklewood SWP and involved in strike action at Smiths Industries as members of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
Report that a hospital porter at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond St, is a shop steward for the National Union of Public Employees and was engaged in industrial action at the hospital
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden / Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126 inc a talk on Racialism in the Community, held at Methodist Church Hall, Quex Rd NW6 on 21 Jan 1979
Report on fortnightly meeting of NW London District SWP discussing leafletting council depots and factories, hled at redacted private home on 22 Jan 1979
Report on Organising Committee meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism/ Anti-Nazi League, held at redacted private home address on 8 Jan 1979
Report on a Post Office worker in Cricklewood who sells about 8 copies of the Socialist Worker per week and occasionally goes to SWP meetings, inc photo (redacted)
Report on public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain on ‘Three World Theory and the Strategy for Revolution in Britain’, held on 5 Jan 1979
Report on a benefit concert for Persons Unknown attended by 'anarchists, students and admirers of punk rock music', held at North London Poly, Holloway Road on 11 Jan 1979
Report on joint public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain and the Communist Workers Movement on ‘The Third World, The Main Force Opposing the Two Superpowers’, held at Co-op Hall, 129 Seven Sisters Road on 2 Dec 1978
Report on two meetings of the London Workers Group discussing several industrial disputes and HN20 elected publicity manager, at Rising Up, 182 Upper St N1 on 13 and 20 Nov 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc a report on the bakers' strike from a member of the Bakers' Union, held at the Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 29 Nov 1978
Report on informal meeting of Plumstead SWP at which HN124 is formally made branch paper sales organiser, held at the Lord Rupert pub, Earl Rise SE18 on 3 Dec 1978
Letter from MI5 to the Home Office providing a copy of a 1974 circular to Chief Constables on subversive activities in industrial disputes and a 1975 circular on subversive activities in schools (not attached)
Report on the weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective discussing the forthcoming edition of the magazine Anarchy, held at redacted venue on 23 Nov 1978
Report on a regular meeting of Plumstead SWP chaired by HN124 at which he's announced as 'Socialist Worker' branch organiser, held at the Information Centre, Harrow Manor Way, Thamesmead SE2 on 29 Nov 1978
Report on a general meeting of Hampstead and West Hampstead Camden Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League chaired by HN126, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Quex Road NW6 on 19 Nov 1978
Report listing attendees at a fund-raising social organised by the Hampstead and West Hamsptead Camden Against Racism/Anti Nazi League, held at redacted private home on 25 Nov 1978
Report listing participants in an Anti-Nazi League demo against the National Front Rememberance Day march, held at the Cenotaph, Whitehall held on 12 Nov 1978
Report on a public meeting of Persons Unknown to discuss prison conditions and the law relating to conspiracy and terrorism, held at the Drill Hall, 16 Chenies Street WC1 on 14 Dec 1978
Report on public meeting of the SWP titled 'The Ford Strike and the Fight Against Socialism', held at the Co-operative Hall, Gale Street, Becontree, Essex on 3 Nov 1978
Report providing detailed analysis of NW London District of SWP and ANL inc summaries of branches, activities and associated groups eg SKAN and Women's Voice
Report detailing the vehicle and its owner in which members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League travelled to the Festival of Racial Harmony, held at Kilburn Grange Park on 23 July 1978
Report on a meeting of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League to amalgamate with Camden Against Racism (HN126 to chair first 3 meetings and is elected to organising committee), held at Quex Road Methodist Church Hall NW6 on 22 Oct 1978
Report that a juvenile member of the Finchley and Barnet SWP was arrested during a protests against a National Front meeting at Pavillion Hall, Hemel Hempstead on 2 Nov 1978 and has been bailed
Report on aggregate meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP ratifying new District Committee, and organising sleepover protection for Dagenham household suffering racist attacks, held at Leytonstone Library on 19 Oct 1978
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP at which a new branch Committee was elected inc HN354 as Treasurer, held at Chequers pub, High Street E17 on 11 Oct 1978
File Cover and Minute Sheet from Home Office file ‘Security Measures, Special Branch Duties and Facilities – Review of Special Branch Duties and Liaison with Security Service’
Report on personal details of an active member of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) who failed to attend court on charges of assault, and his efforts to avoid arrest
Report on meeting of the Organising Committee of West Hampstead Anti-Nazi League, held at a private residence on 4 Sept 1978, inc minutes of that meeting (attached)
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Bexley Branch of the Anti-Nazi League, targeted by a National Front protest, held at Welling Public Library, Welling, Kent on 30 Aug 1978
Report listing attendees at 'Carnival Against Racialism' organised by the Brent Trades Council, held at Stonebridge Recreational Ground on 20 Aug 1978
Report on personal details of two co-habiting members of Kilburn and Queens Park Anti-Nazi League and an article on the ANL for 'Womens Voice' authored by one of them (attached)
Report on HN13's appearance, alongside three other individuals, on various public order charges arising from a National Front meeting at Loughborough School, Minet Rd, hearing held at Lambeth Magistrates' Court on 29 June 1978
Report - 42 pages - on the Eighth National Conference of the IMG, British Section of the Fourth International, held in at Chelsea Town Hall and Conway Hall on 15-18 April 1978