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3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a demo held by the Anti-Nuclear Campaign at General Electric Company’s AGM in protest against GEC's potential involvement in the development of Torness Nuclear Power Station, held at the Institute of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place WC2 on 12 S
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington SWP, held at the Trades and Labour club, Dalston Lane E8 on 4 Sept 1980, inc leaflet for lobbying the Tory Party conference on 10 Oct, and Hackney SWP District bulleting dated 1 Sept 1980 (both attached)
Report on the founding conference of the Defend Our Unions Campaign organised by the Right to Work Campaign, held at The Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road W1 on 5 July 1980
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc talk on 'United Front Politics', held at Highgate Wood Lower School, Wolesey Road, Hornsey N8 on 27 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 25 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP and enclosing copy of weekly information sheet, held at a redacted private home on 20 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 19 Aug 1980 (attached)
Report on a conference of the Anti-Nuclear Alliance working on co-ordination between various London groups (HN155 listed as a group contact), held at the Carlton Centre, Carlton Vale NW6 on 12 July 1980
Report on a meeting of the Waltham Forest District SWP called in opposition to growth of the NF in the Chingford area, held at Mornington Hall, The Green, Chingford E4 on 14 Aug 1980
Report on a public meeting of Waltham Forest District SWP with speaker Duncan Hallas on 'The Future - War or Socialism', held at Ross Wylde hall, Church Hill E17 on 23 July 1980
Report on the SWP's second Party Council of 1980, held at Conway Hall on 12 July 1980, inc 23 pages of documents distributed amongst delegates (attached)
Report on a half-day SWP conference formulating Party perspectives and activities, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Rd, 9 Aug 1980, inc minute sheet
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP inc a talk on 'Pornography in a Socialist Society', held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road, Wood Green N22 on 25 June 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 24 June 1980 (attached)
Report on attempts to form a national co-ordinating body to deal with cases of 'state brutality' by police and prison authorities, inc Friends of Blair Peach , Richard 'Cartoon' Campbell and Jimmy Kelly Campaign
Report the Revolutionary Labour League have merged with former members of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency to form the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency, inc foundational manifesto pamphlet (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP enclosing a weekly information sheet, held at redacted private home on 28 May 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 27 May 1980 (attached)
Report on upcoming protest picket organised by Socialist Workers Party to coincide with Prime Minister's visit to Toynbee Hall to open a new nursery on 11 July 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Socialist Workers Party's Right to Work Campaign to coincide with visit by Social Services Secretary Patrick Jenkins MP, to be held at Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone E11 on 11 July 1980
Report on 'Voices for Withdrawal Forum on Northern Ireland' held by Liberal Party's Committee for Withdrawal from Ireland, held at Conway Hall on 14 June 1980
Report on public meeting of the Right to Work Campaign inc a performance of 'The Participation Waltz' by the Broadside Mobile Workers Theatre, held at the Howard Hall, Ponders End, Enfield on 20 March 1980
Report on district committee meeting of NW London SWP discussing an industrial dispute at Balco Engineering Works, held at Lancefield Buliding, Beethoven Street W10 on 17 June 1980
Report on meeting of Greenwich SWP chaired by HN124-HN356 on the subject of Racism and Fascism, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road, Charlton SE7 on 25 June 1980
Report listing attendees of a fund-raising social evening held by Tottenham Women's Voice, held at the Trade Union Centre, Brabant Road N22 on 26 April 1980
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP discussing future branch activity, held at Tottenham Community Project, High Road, Tottenham N17 on 10 April 1980
Report on public meeting of Lewisham and Deptford SWP with speaker Amanda Leon on 'The Thin Blue Line', ie the political role of the police inc focus on Blair Peach inquest, held at Davenport Hall, Rushey Green SE6 on 29 May 1980
Report listing participants a rally organised by the Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council as part of the TUC 'Day of Action', held at Clapham Common on 14 May 1980
Report on demo organised by Hackney and Tower Hamlets Trades Council as part of TUC's 'Day of Action', held from Hackney Town Hall to Victoria Park, Hackney on 14 May 1980
Report on a 'Fusion Meeting' of the Spartacus League and Lenin Faction, held at London School of Economics, Houghton Street WC2 on 16 May 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Report on upcoming demo by Waltham Forest Trades Council and Waltham Forest Trade Union Action Committee as part of TUC 'Day of Action', to be held near the Bakers Arms pub, Stanley Road E10 with march to rally in Selborne Park on 14 May 1980
Report on plans of The Autonomists and Rising Free Collective to disrupt an anti-cuts rally organised by TUC to be held at Central Hall, Westminster on 14 May 1980, inc leaflet (attached)
Extract from a Special Branch report by HN80 that, as book keeper of the Right to Work, he will authorise opening a bank account in the name of the RtW Committee
Report on district aggregate meeting of NW London SWP discussing apathy amongst members, HN126 elected to District Committee, held at Cricklewood Hotel, Edgware Road NW2 on 30 April 1980
Report on two meetings of the Torness Alliance discussing arrangements for the Torness Week of Action to occupy the site on 3-4 May, held in Nottingham on 8-9 March and Lancaster on 12-13 April 1980, inc 25 pages of leaflets and maps (attached)
REport on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP announcing upcoming events inc demo at Harleson police on anniversary of Blair Peach's death and demo at Chix chewing gum factory, held at the Lancefield Building, Beethoven Street W9 on 14 April 1980
Report listing police stations to be picketed by members of Friends of Blair Peach/ SWP protesting death of Blair Peach on 23 April 1980, inc leaflet for demo on 27 April (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to introduce new F6 point of contact and discuss SDS officer progress, held in the Waterloo Despatch pub, Adams Row W1 on 8 April 1980
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc talk on Afghanistan, held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 29 Jan 1980 (attached)
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc discussion on the General Strike, held at redacted private home on 6 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 5 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP, inc a talk on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, held at redacted private home on 13 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 12 Feb 1980 (attached)
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP including a talk on Art and Revolution, held at redacted private home on 20 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 19 Feb 1980 (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between the new head of the SDS DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to discuss SDS officers, provision of info and future requirements, held at Curzon Street House on 17 March 1980
Report on public meeting of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party to discuss redundancies at local toy manufacturer Lesneys, held at Chats Palace, Brookaby Walk E5 on 27 Feb 1980
Report on a debate hosted by the Labour Co-ordinating Committee on “the Crisis and the Future of the Left”, held at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on 17 March 1980
Report that members of the Spartacus League and Lenin Faction (recently expelled from Workers Socialist League) have been working together on the steel strike in Sheffield and Sheerness
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party with striking steelworker speaking, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 6 March 1980
Report on personal details of a member of Kilburn SWP who is also chair of North London Area AUEW Organising Committee, inc bank details and photo (attached but redacted)