3339 results

MI5 Minute Sheet asking the SDS to obtain a copy of 'Real Freedom' by Revolutionary Communist Party member Kate Marshall, published to coincide with the launch of the Women's Right to Work campaign
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee of TOM chaired by HN96, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 21 June 1982, inc minutes of the previous week's meeting (14 June 1982)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP letter to be circulated to all National Committee members about the Committee's function and new format (attached)
MI5 Minute Sheet asking the SDS for info on a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement Steering Committee inc decision to ask Sinn Fein member of the NI Assembly to speak at 'Anti-Repression' TOM conference to be held on 11 Dec, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 15 Nov 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on commemoration march and rally for 'Manchester Martyrs' executed in 1867 for demanding Irish independence, held in Manchester on 25 Nov 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on London activists planning to attend rally commemorating the 'Manchester Martyrs' executed in 1867 for demanding Irish independence, to be held at Platt Fields, Manchester on 25 Nov 1982 (leaflet attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of two Troops Out Movement Steerinrtg Committee meetings, held at the Prince Albe pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 1 and 8 Nov 1982 (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss coverage and progress of SDS officers, and SDS invite MI5 to the Christmas party, held at SDS offices on 10 Nov 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Newham 8 Defence Campaign discussing the recent arrests of eight Asian youths, held at East Ham Town Hall E6 on 28 Oct 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Right to Work Campaign demo outside the Tory conference, held at Brighton Conference Centre on 8 Oct 1982, inc 49 pages of docs relating to campaign finances and arrests (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss liaison between the two services and progress of SDS officers, held at Curzon St House on 20 Oct 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Peter Rowlands, ex-International Socialists and Hounslow Trades Council, is Labour general election candidate for Brentford and Isleworth
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of Brighton SWP with their roles, trade union affiliation and dates of birth
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the SWP National Council
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of the Secretary of Lewisham SWP
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from DCI Short to Chief Superintendent of 'S' Squad requesting reinstatement of HN126's overtime payments on Police Pay Computer, inc list of 13 UCOs with their operational start dates and expected finish dates
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a National Committee meeting of the SWP, held at Conway Hall on 18 Sept 1982, inc discussion doc 'The Way Ahead' (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism to discuss the upcoming deportation of Afia Begum, held at the Brady Club, Hanbury Street E1 on 29 Sept 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing people who have joined Troops Out Movement in 1982 (4 pages wholly redacted)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Troops Out Movement National Delegate Conference (HN96 is membership and affiliation secretary), held at University of Manchester on 11 Sept 1982, inc numerous conference docs (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans by Socialist Workers Party to organise a national mobilisation of their membership to attend the Right to Work Campaign picket of the Tory conference in Brighton on 8 Oct 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of a Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee meeting, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road on 13 Sept 1982 and a TOM report on the Ireland visit delegation report back meeting (both attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on structure and aspects of the Socialist Workers Party which are 'of current interest to MI5' (very detailed)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on committee position changes within the Socialist Workers Party
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, phone and employment details of the secretary of Bromley SWP
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of East London Troops Out Movement inc Gareth Pierce and Pat Finucane on the Prevention of Terrorism Act, held at the Hackney Trades Club, 96 Dalston Lane E8 on 20 Sept 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of E London Troops Out Movement on 'Police', held at Hackney Trades and Labour club, Dalston Lane E8 on 20 Oct 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on two Revolutionary Communist Party members trying to get Bristol suppliers of the Heathfield Factory in Slough to support industrial action
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming public meeting of S London Troops Out Movement to protest against Kenneth Newman becoming Met Commissioner, to be held at Abeng Centre, Gresham Road, Brixton on 27 Oct 1982, inc letter asking for sponsorship of the event (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on details of Lewisham SWP inc personal details of the branch Secretary and Treasurer
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 31 Aug 1982 discussing a proposed one day strike in solidarity with hospital workers (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Aug 1982 circular by the Anti-Nazi League (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing organisations and groups affiliated to Troops Out Movement during 1981-1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Revolutionary Party on 'The world significance of the PLO in Lebanon', held at Conway Hall on 6 Aug 1982, inc leaflet for WRP commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of Trotsky's death (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party married a foreign-born fellow member in order to secure her right of residence
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an SWP Shop Stewards School which discussed means of causing industrial disruption, held at Holborn Library WC1 on 10 July 1982
MI5 note for liaison file on meeting between HN68 and F6 discussing HN155 being a useful source at the heart of the SWP but a worry due to his personal conduct, held at the SDS office on 28 July 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP moving its national office to 251 Mare Street, Hackney, inc floor plan of the new premises
MI5 Minute Sheet enclosing a brief for upcoming meeting with SDS and with requests for information about specific groups
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee meeting (HN96 is membership officer and branch liaison), held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 7 July 1982 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Irish Solidarity Committee discussing arrest of ‘Fight Racism Fight Imperialism' newspaper seller, held at Camden Labour Club, Canal St NW1 on 9 July 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing principal contact name and address for the Revolutionary Communist League of Britain
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 5 July 1982, inc mention of discussing a rail strike and shop stewards school (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes of a recent Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee meeting held on 21 June 1982 with a program of forthcoming events (both attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement Delegation Committee to Northern Ireland, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 16 June 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 29 June 1982 and a document from the Women's Committee about women's role in the SWP (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file report on meeting at New Scotland Yard with DCI Kneale (A/CO), DCS Craft and DCI Short to discuss contact between HN106 and a Soviet Military Attache
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting with HN68 and, later, DCI Short to discuss current infiltrations
MI5 Minute Sheet on Desk F7's current areas of interest in SWP activities
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting minutes, financial report and balance sheet from the Troops Out Movement's annual conference held in London on 3 April 1982 (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Provisional Sinn Fein protesting against the trial of Gerard Tuite (IRA escapee from UK prison, charged for offences in the UK), to be held outside the Irish Embassy on 21 June 1982
MI5 Minute Sheet enclosing questions for the SDS about targeted groups ahead of their upcoming meeting
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Revolutionary Communist Party inc screening of 'Home Soldier Home', held at the Britannica pub, Mare Street, Hackney on 8 June 1982
MI5 Minute Sheet detailing an Assistant Military Attache from the Soviet Embassy making contact with the Revolutionary Communist Party so infiltrator HN106 had meetings to sound out funding for the RCP and the Attache tried to involve him in spying
MI5 Note for Liaison File on meeting between David Short, HN68 and F6 (later joined by Geoff Craft), held at the SDS office on 29 June 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee discussing the upcoming delegation to Belfast on 7-9 Aug, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Road N1 on 7 June 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report identifying a person allegedly from the Soviet embassy who attended two Revolutionary Communist Party meetings
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that two prominent members of the SWP represented the Right to Work Campaign at a meeting with the Dublin Unemployed Action Group that ended with cancellation of a planned right to work march there
MI5 note on upcoming meeting with DCI Dave Short and HN68 to discuss MI5's intelligence requirements and coverage, to be held at Curzon Street House on 15 June 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Revolutionary Communist Party's report of the North London Irish Freedom Movement delegation to Derry and Belfast at Easter 1982 titled 'What We Saw of the Irish War' (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal family, vehicle and union details of a member of Paddington SWP and Westminster CND who is secretary of Cricklewood ASTMS
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on change of SWP policy on President Reagan's upcoming visit to the UK, scaling back SWP 'Reagan Recepion Committee' demo at US embassy and focusing support on CND demo instead
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 1 June 1982, inc details of protestst at President Reagan's visit (attached)
Note (presumably from MI5) to DAC requesting additional details on someone from the League for Socialist Action
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that left-wing groups, including Red Action, often meet at the Carpenters Arms, 12 Seymour Place W1 before rallies and marches that start at Speakers Corner
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation and employment details of a member of an East London branch of the SWP who is also a member of the National Union of Journalists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal medical and accommodation details of a person who has not been active in NW London SWP for six months
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the final meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee with overview of activity and Troops Out Movement, held at redacted private home on 13 May 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a child who was active in the SWP but has not been for the past two years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal domestic, relationship, tourist and political details of a leading member of South London Troops Out Movement
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on person who has not been active in the SWP for the past three years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal banking, family, social and relationship details of Ros Gardner who's in Kilburn SWP and West Hampstead CND
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a former member of the SWP who ceased political activity after getting a job as a civil servant at the Treasury
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing London attendees at the SWP annual rally, held at Skegness on 9-12 April 1982, inc programme of political and social events (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal relationship and education details of a member of the SWP who rarely attends meeting, whose partner inflicted violence on her and she temporarily moved out of their home
Note recording details of a SYS discussion at the SDS with Dave Short and HN68, inc specific officers withdrawn and their replacements, held at SDS office on 12 May 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment and education details of a former member of NW London SWP who hasn't been involved for two and a half years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal medical and accommodation details of a former NW London SWP member
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees and vehicles of a Revolutionary Communist Party meeting in support of Argentinian occupation of the Falklands, held at Friends Meeting House on 16 April 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on child who was a member of Finchley SWP but hasn't been involved for two and a half years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee inc HN96 as Membership and Affiliation Secretary
MI5 Minute Sheet on SDS coverage of the SWP in London and requests for additional info
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on visits to local estates by East London Workers Against Racism to improve defence against racism on 8 May 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on banking and financial details of the National Right to Work Campaign, HN155 signs the cheques and controls the account
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on that Time Out is preparing an article on racism in Britain
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, employment and union details of a person who regularly buys the Socialist Worker
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a person who was a member of Cricklewood SWP when they were a child but have not been involved for the past two years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a person who was active in NW London SWP has not been active in the past three years
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee finalising plans for the demo, held at redacted venue on 6 May 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Workers Against Racism discussing support for the strike at Rulecan Ltd in Cheshire, held at Holborn Public Library on 30 April 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a former SWP member who unsuccessfully applied for a job as a traffic warden
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting an SWP-distributed Reagan Reception Committee leaflet for a demo at the US embassy on 7 June 1982 and calling for support of a national CND demo the day before (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of Hackney Trades Council discussing opposition to the Nationality Act speakers inc Bernie Grant, held at the Hackney Trades Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 29 April 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Red Action newssheet no.1, dated Feb 1982, circulated in Hackney (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1981, inc Home Office letter authorising continuation
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP inc talk on 'The Falkland Islands Crisis', held at redacted private home on 21 April 1982
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone Message that London Troops Out Movement are leafleting Southall Broadway and publicising a demo on 8 May commemorating Bobby Sands