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3339 results
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee, held at redacted venue on 19 April 1982, inc minutes of 1 April meeting and leaflets for the demo (attached)
Report submitting promotional booklet/agenda for the SWP’s ‘Marxism 82’ week of discussion and debate on socialist theory and strategy, to be held at Queen Mary College Student Union on 2-9 July 1982 (attached)
Report ('threat assessment') that the Revolutionary Communist Party plans to support the Argentinian occupation of the Falkland Islands, and plans to hold meeting at Friends Meeting House on 16 April 1982, inc minute sheet
Report on personal family and accommodation details of a 'schoolgirl' member of Harlesden SWP, inc photo taken on the Feb 1982 Right to Work march (attached but redacted)
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP inc talk on the 'Left-Wing Family Tree', held at the Lisson Green Estate Residents Club on 31 March 1982, inc talk notes (attached)
Report on public meeting of Hounslow Anti-Nazi League titled 'The Fight Against Fascism' with mostly SWP and Labour Party attendees, held at the Hounslow Manor School, Prince Regent Road on 25 March 1982
Report on public meeting of South London Workers Against Racism on 'Police - get off our backs' inc screening of film on New Cross Massacre, held at Stockwell Hall, Stockwell Park Estate on 25 March 1982
Report on meeting of the May 8th Demonstration Organising Committee for 'Britain Out of Ireland' demo, held at redacted home of a member of the Irish Republican Socialist Party on 25 March 1982, inc leaflet advertising the demo (attached)
Report on South East Non-Violent Direct Action (SENDA) and London Nonviolent Direct Action Network training anti-nuclear activists to form affinity groups, held at Carlton Community Centre NW6 on 30-31 Jan 1982, inc mailing lists of both groups (attached)
Report on the Troops Out Movement Steering Committee organising a demo in London on 8 May 1982 to mark the anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, discussing need to write to other groups to involve them (letter attached)
MI5 note for liaison file after discussion between Dave Short, Martin Gray and F6 listing current SDS officers with RF numbers and the groups they're infiltrating, held at the SDS office on 11 March 1982, inc MI5 briefings on the SWP (attached)
Report on the Labour Committee on Ireland and the Committee for Withdrawal from Ireland's 'Labour Movement Conference on Ireland', held at the Theatre, Regent Street W1 on 27 Feb 1982
Report on a secret letter from the Secretary of the Dublin Unemployed Action Group asking the Right to Work Campaign for tips and assistance, (attached, with DUAG leaflet)
Report on public meeting of Red Action discussing Ireland, racism, fascism and unemployment, held at the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road WC1 on 19 Feb 1982
Report on public meeting of London area Workers Against Racism about racism in trade unions titled 'Cleanse our Ranks', held at Conway Hall on 26 Feb 1982
Report on letter from Ernie Roberts MP to the National Chairman of the Labour Party Young Socialists saying they shouldn't be at odds with the Right to Work Campaign (transcript - not the original letter - attached)
Report on a student member of the Revolutionary Communist Party who's giving non-student comrades NUS ID cards, inc her personal physical and domestic details
Report submitting letter from West Hampstead Community Law Centre to a member of the Right to Work Campaign offering support for Feb 1982 march (attached)
Report on a meeting of the planning committee of the London Right to Work march with details of route and entertainment, held at SWP Central Office, Reading Lane E8 on 9 Feb 1982
Report submitting discussion document circulated by East London Troops Out Movement suggesting action to take when detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (15 pages, attached)
Report on 2 closed meetings of the planning committee of the London Right to Work march, held at SOAS on 15 Jan 1982, and at the Alan Mawar Room, University of London, Gower Street on 22 Jan 1982
Report on meeting of Paddington SWP discussing upcoming Feb 1982 Right to Work Campaign march, held at the Lisson Grove Estate Residents' Association Club on 27 Jan 1982
Report submitting leaflet distributed in Hackney by Red Action explaining who they are and that they take a stonger line on Irish issues and fascism than the SWP (attached)
Report submitting a blank Right to Work Campaign sponsorship sheet for a sponsored run, to be held from Hampstead Heath to Parliament Hill on 14 Feb 1982 (attached)
Report on a meeting of the Paddington SWP, held at the Lisson Grove Estate Residents' Association Club, Rossmore Road NW8 on 20 Jan 1982, inc leaflet for Right to Work march on parliament in Feb (attached)
Report on upcoming East London Troops Out Movement rally to be held at Hackney Town Hall on 23 Jan 1982 to mobilise support for the Bloody Sunday march to be held in Coventry on 31 Jan 1982, inc leaflet for Hackney demo (attached)
Report on a meeting of SWP London District Committee discuss the London Right to Work march co-chaired by HN155, held at the Cock pub, Phoenix Road N1 on 5 Jan 1982
Report that Troops Out Movement, Revolutionary Communist Party and Sinn Fein have arranged at least 6 coaches to transport participants to a Bloody Sunday demo, to be held in Coventry on 31 Jan 1982
Report that the Right to Work Campaign plans to hold a march and demo in London in Feb 1982 to coincide with Labour Party Young Socialists' lobbying of parliament on 25 Feb, HN155 is treasurer of organising committee
Report that 3 members of Troops Out Movement attended the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis conference, held in Dublin 31 Oct-1 Nov 1981, inc detailed 11 page TOM report for members (attached)
Report on personal political, employment, physicl and banking details of a member of East London Branch and the Kent University Section of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Report on personal political, physical and employment details of Mick Woods of the Workers Socialist League and Kilburn Labour Party, inc Paddington Times clippings about a St Mary's Hospital disute he was involved in (attached)
Report on a meeting held by Camden Committee for Community Relations on 'Policing the Police - A Campaign for Police Accountability in Camden', held at Kingsway-Princeton College, Sidmouth St WC1 on 4 Dec 1981, inc campaign leaflet (attached)
Report submitting minutes of a meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Cinema Action, Winchester Road SW3 on 6 Dec 1981, inc TOM internal bulleting winter 1981-2 (attached)
Report on march by Hackney Black Peoples Association and Hackney Legal Defence Committee in protest against police violence against Black people and in support of the Knight family, to be held from Hackney Town Hall via Stoke Newington police station
Report submitting a photo of a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party taken at the ‘Workers March for Irish Freedom' at Blackpool in Sep 1981 (not attached)
Report on meeting of Walthamstow and Leyton SWP to organise a response to racist attacks in the Priory Court Estate area of E17, held at Cooperative Rooms, Hoe St E17 on 2 Dec 1981, inc leaflets for public meetings with Roy Hattersley speaking on race rel
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Butler and F6 to discuss MI5 briefs and SDS personnel changes, held at SDS office on 24 Nov 1981
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee, held at Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 16 Nov 1981, inc minutes (attached)
Report of meeting held of Brixton SWP discussing somone who was told to resign as District Organiser by the Central Committee but has now been elected to the District Committee, held at Tate Library, Brixton Rd SW2 on 12 Nov 1981
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement National Steering Committee of TOM, held at the Prince Albert pub, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 17 Nov 1981, inc enclosing minutes of the meeting (attached)
Report summarising a document published by Workers Against Racism titled 'Evidence to the Greater London Police Committee - October 1981 - Racist Violence and Police Harassment'
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 where it was confirmed an SDS would send an officer to the SWP national conference, held at MI5's Curzon Street House offices on 6 Nov 1981
Report on time and place of weekly meetings of Troops Out Movement's London-based National Steering Committee, inc minutes of meeting held at Prince Albert, Wharfdale Rd N1 on 2 Nov 1981 (attached)
Report on the SWP computer being programmed to give a breakdown of the circulation of 'Socialist Worker' and its financial accounts and details of branch organisers
Report on meeting of Kilburn and Cricklewood SWP discussing 'Entryism into the Labour Party', held at the West Hampstead Community Centre, Mill Lane NW6 on 28 Oct 1981
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between HN68, DCI Butler and F6 confirming the SDS had given them photos of SWP banking records listing members who pay subs by bank transfer