The Document Database at of Spycops Research presents all documents released by the UCPI, plus a Library of background material - the latest documents first.
The Inquiry documents can be filtered by date, tranche, spycop, group and more, and searched by keyword. For ease of navigation they are in three separate databases:
Disclosure is where you will find all files released by the Inquiry as part of its investigations. This includes the contemporaneous reports of spycops, managerial correspondence and notes of meetings with MI5.
Statements and Transcripts has all witness statements, and opening and closing statements, as well as the transcripts of the hearings.
Procedural includes all documents from the moment the Inquiry started in 2015 until the hearings started in 2020.
The Library is a collection of background material to the spycops scandal - essentially relevant reading sourced outside the Inquiry. This includes the various early official reviews of undercover policing.
The filtering fields follow the material: date, author, type, originator/publisher.
3339 results
MI5 Minute Sheet ahead of meeting with SDS requesting specific info on anarchist groups and activities
Report on personal accomodation arrangements of SWP Central Committee member Lindsey German who lives with a National Committee member, and that Central Committee member claims to have IRA connections
MI5 note for liaison file reporting F6 telling DCI Short how HN19 is regarded within the Revolutionary Communist Party but needs to avoid 'going the way of HN106', also mentions of HN85
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short and F6 to discuss having an officer in Hackney/Stoke Newington, that MI5 know the officer in the RCP is well regarded there, the SDS giving MI5 printouts from the SWP computer and other SDS upd
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between David Short, Mike Barber and F6 discussing which campaigns and groups were being infiltrated, held at SDS office on 7 July 1983
Report on meeting of Wood Green SWP to discuss the branch's potential merger with the Enfield to create new Tottenham branch, held at unspecified venue on 5 July 1983
MI5 Minute Sheet for policy file requesting specific info from the upcoming Revolutionary Communist Party conference to be held at Polytechnic of Central London on 16-22 July 1983
Report on upcoming street meeting organised by the Irish Freedom Movement to celebrate the RCP's election 'success', to be held outside Camden Tube on 18 June 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Party is considering taking up the case of a black woman suspended from her job after being attacked and her union hasn't suppported her
Report on emergency meeting of London branches of SWP to discuss the Party's intervention in the London dock workers' dispute, held at the Cock pub, Pheonix Rd NW1 on 22 April 1983, inc blank SWP collection sheet (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting two meetings between SDS and F6 for routine exchange of views and update on SDS personnel changes and request info on CND, held at SDS on 22 and 28 Apr 1983
Special Branch cover letter to Home Office enclosing assessment of London CND blockade of US Air Force base in Upper Heyford 31 May-3 June 1983 (not attached)
Report on public meeting of Workers Against Racism and the Greater London Council's Committee for Women to discuss upcoming deportation of Afia Begum, held at County Hall on 19 April 1983
Report on personal accommodation, employment and vehicle details of Andy Strouthus, SWP National Organiser for Lancashire and North Yorkshire area, inc photo (attached but redacted)
Report on upcoming SWP students benefit to be held at Central London Polytechnic on 31 March 1983 and plans to transport attendees the next day to demos at Burghfield and Greenham Common
Home Office letter expressing concern over the scope of a Special Branch report into police monitoring groups, inc explanatory letter from DAC Hewett (attached)
Phone message stating the RCP plan to hold a street meeting to publicise their Irish Freedom Movement week of action near Archway Tube on 12 March 1983
Report on a student occupation of the Ladbroke House site of North London Polytechnic in protest at education cuts on 23 Feb 1983, inc 'Occupation News' sheets for days 8 and 9, and a stop press on the possession order (attached)
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN45 and MI5 to summarising current SDS officer activities, personnel changes and potential new targets, held at unspecified venue on 24 Feb 83
Report on a picket of Hackney Police Committee by East London Workers Against Racism following the death of Colin Roach, held at Hackney Town Hall on 7 Feb 1983, inc Police Ctee docs for the meeting (attached)
Report containing a very comprehensive analysis of Troops Out Movement covering topics inc politics, membership, finances, affiliates, liaison with the republican movement, and publicity materials. HN96 is national membership secretary
Report submitting SWP's restricted weekly internal info sheet of 7 Feb 1983 and leaflets for Campaign Against Racist Laws demo at Jubille Gardens, County Hall on 27 March 1983
Report on public meeting of East London Workers Against Racism on 'Hackney, an equal opportunities borough?' with speaker Judith Harrison, held at Dalston Trades Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 26 Jan 1983
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting with DCI Dave Short and HN68 to discuss intelligence requests on SWP, CND and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (M-L), held at SDS offices on 20 Jan 1983
Correspondance between senior officers about the report ''Political Extremism and the Campaign for Police Accountability within the Metropolitan Police District' and countering such monitoring groups, inc minute sheet
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal info sheet of 17 Feb 1983, and letter to branches about student cadre school at Central London Poly 28-30 Jan
Report on personal, accommodation, employment and physical details of the Treasurer of the Troops Out Movement's May 7th Organising Committee, taking over from HN96
Report submitting SWP restricted weekly internal information sheet of 10 Jan 1983, letter to branches about Skegness conference 1-4 April, and letter about student cadre school at Central London Poly 28-30 Jan
Report on upcoming 'Bloody Sunday' commemoration demo to be held in Savile Park, Leeds on 30 Jan 1983 with details of coaches from London and elsewhere
Report on meeting of Troops Out Movement on upcoming 'Hunger Strikers' demo of 7 May 1983 and dispute with Sinn Fein over their demo on the same day, held at the Bread and Roses Print Shop, Camden Road NW1 on 19 Dec 1982
Report on details of personal bank account of John Deason, Central Committee member of the Socialist Workers Party and another full time worker on the editorial board of Socialist Worker
Report that a petition of 2,000 signatures collected by 'H' Block Committee in New Zealand will no longer be presented at Downing St by Troops Out Movement but instead by Richard Balfe MEP
Report on upcoming public meeting of Troops Out Movement at which Gerry Adams and Danny Morrison are due to speak (inc handwritten note from B Squad that both are banned from GB), to be held at Islington Town Hall on 14 Dec 1982
Report submitting documents distributed at SWP National Delegate Conference (attached, 118 pages), held at Poplar Old Town Hall, High Street E14 on 13-15 Nov 1982