
Opening of the Inquiry. Designation of Core Participants

This was the first public hearing of the Undercover Policing Inquiry, chaired by Sir Christopher Pitchford. Its sole focus was on hearing submissions from those who wished to be designated Core Participants (CPs) in the Inquiry. 

According to Pitchford, at least 380 applications to be core participants had been made to the Inquiry, of which he had indicated to around 150 that he would designate them as such. He invited the remaining applicants in the hearing to make arguments as to why they should be included. A number of people appeared in person to argue their case that they or their groups should be designated as CPs.

Counsel / Solicitor AdvocateClients
David Barr KCUCPI
Matthew Ryder KCBindmans NSCPs
Anna LintnerUnion of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT)
Harriet WistrichBirnberg Peirce NSCPs
Sam JacobsHickman & Rose NSCPs
Other lawyers present
Kate WilkinsonUCPI
Courtenay Griffiths KC / Jane Deighton (solicitor)Deighton Pierce Glynn NSCPs
Adam StrawNeville Lawrence OBE
Amy MannionMetropolitan Police
Nadia MotraghiTrade unions / OH Parsons
Imran KhanIKP NSCPs
Shamik Dutta (solicitor)Bhatt Murphy NSCPs
Maya Lal (solicitor)Public Interest Lawyers
Nia Williams (solicitor)Saunders Law NSCPs
Gareth Peirce (solicitor)Birnberg Peirce NSCPs
Richard Parry (solicitor)Saunders Solicitors NSCPs


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 1: Designation of Core Participants


Document Type
Police and NSCPs – Core Participants (Ruling 1)
Core participants, Deceased Children’s Identities (procedural)
Order providing for a delay when reporting inquiry hearings via social media (Order 1)
Conduct of evidence hearings
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 1: Designation of Core Participants
Core participants, Legal Representation, Costs
Sir Christopher Pitchford – Opening statement to the Inquiry
Chairman's statement, Opening Statement