Dates active:
Dead child identity:

HN294 joined the SDS no later than December 1969 and spent some time as an undercover officer before being promoted to a managerial role. He wrote the 1972 and 1973 SDS Annual Reports

Eventually promoted to chief inspector of the unit, as a manager HN294 oversaw SDS officers spying on children, taking positions of responsibility and being prosecuted for crimes in their undercover identities alongside activists they were spying on. HN294 was prepared to let one officer travel to Northern Ireland undercover to meet with different branches of the IRA, until the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police overruled him. 

HN294 also oversaw the SDS relationship with MI5. The two agencies met to coordinate coverage and share information, but HN294 resisted repeated requests for the SDS to help the Security Service to recruit paid informers. 

HN294 left the SDS in March 1974. In a letter to Inquiry Chair John Mitting, a family member of HN294 wrote that when he retired it was on medical grounds partly due to stress-related ill health; when is not known.

In the Special Demonstration Squad

The majority of documents released by the Inquiry that mention HN294 are reports by undercover officers countersigned by him during his time as an SDS manager between March 1970-March 1974. Inquiry Chair John Mitting has asserted, however, that in 1968 and 1969 HN294 was deployed undercover, 'against one group which no longer exists and reported on others which also no longer exist'.  

At the start of HN294’s career when he was a detective sergeant, HN3095 Bill Furner worked alongside him and recalled his ‘great sense of humour’.  Once HN294 became a manager, however, the officers under him had less positive memories of his leadership style.

As a detective inspector, HN103 David Smith  found HN294 less sympathetic and more formal than SDS chief inspector HN1251 Phil Saunders.  When HN294 became chief inspector himself, HN2041 Anthony Greenslade  recalled he ‘virtually ran the [SDS] as a fiefdom’ Greenslade added: ‘I do not think he was very good at management.’  

Detective Sergeant

Only one document released by the Inquiry offers evidence supporting Mitting's statement that HN294 was an undercover officer, although, of course, as the Chair he has seen much more evidence than has been made public. The document is a minute sheet from 19 September 1969 that contains praise for HN294's 'depth of knowledge of the I.S. involvement in Northern Irish affairs'.  

Although the accompanying report by HN294 has not been released, one possible inference from the comments on the minute sheet is that he was undercover in the International Socialists (IS)  at the time it was written. Alternatively, he could have been working in the back office and collated the report from information from undercover officers. Either way, the minute sheet shows that copies of his report were circulated to MI5 and, unusually, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), among others. 

On 9 December 1969, HN294 authored another very short report giving details from a 'reliable but extremely delicate source' of a planned trip to Paris by Maoist leader Abhimanyu Manchanda.  It is likely that HN294 wrote up this report, perhaps for a colleague who phoned it in to the back office at Scotland Yard, rather than being the source of information in it.

As a manager

On 31 March 1970, a report by an undercover officer was countersigned by HN294, showing that he was by then an SDS manager.  On 17 June 1970 'Detective Inspector' HN294 authored a report giving details of ‘the current membership’ of the Kensington and Paddington branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign  

A month later, HN294 sent a telegram to the commander of Special Branch  reporting that members of IS and the International Marxist Group (IMG)  were planning to attend an Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign (ICRSC)  demonstration two days later.  

The Counsel to the Inquiry's Tranche 1, Phase 3 opening statement, states that from March 1972 HN294 was signing reports as acting chief inspector, a role he fulfilled until appointed to the post permanently in November 1972.  Reports released by the Inquiry back this up, showing he acted up from 28 February 1972.  In his role as chief inspector, HN294 wrote and signed the 1972 and 1973 SDS Annual Reports.  Several other documents released by the Inquiry associated with him during this period are administrative requests for budgetary disbursements. 

HN294 instigated the change from offering undercover officers shared use of a pool of hire cars to buying each of them their own second-hand vehicle to use for the duration of their deployment. The 1973 Annual Report, dated 6 March 1974, shows that HN294’s new process for supplying vehicles had been ‘recently approved’ by the Home Office, but did not yet seem to have been put into action.  

Controversial managerial decisions

HN294 signed off reports in which his officers entered private homes, spied on minors  took positions of influence  and planned to travel on potentially dangerous missions far beyond the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police. Additionally, he supported a course of action after HN298 Michael Scott  broke the law as part of his undercover deployment, that he should remain undercover and be prosecuted for obstructing the highway and police officers alongside 13 activists from the Young Liberals rather than withdraw. 

This meant that Scott committed a criminal offence, was party to privileged legal information  about the activists’ defence strategy, and was convicted under a false identity.  Nearly 50 years later, in June 2021, these activists had their convictions quashed as Scott’s evidence to the Inquiry showed a clear miscarriage of justice.   

In January 1972, HN294 countersigned a report on a Young Liberals  meeting in Peter Hain’s family home, attended by Hain's teenage sisters.  In May 1972, HN294 signed another report on teenagers demonstrating under the banner of the Schools Action Union.  HN294 signed reports on HN344 'Ian Cameron'  being elected to a position of significant influence in the Northern Minority Defence Force (NMDF)  and on HN68 'Sean Lynch'  influencing decision-making on the Comhairle Ceantair of London Sinn Fein (Provisionals).  

Two reports on the NMDF from May 1972 released by the Inquiry are marked as having been signed by HN294, as if he were the author.  The actual officer undercover in the group, Ian Cameron, is listed in the appendix with the other members. This was an added layer of subterfuge to obscure the Cameron's true identity as a police officer, even within Special Branch – a technique used in many other SDS reports. 

Cameron's deployment hit a snag when he was asked to be one of four NMDF officers to go to Derry to meet with the Provisional and Official IRA factions on 1 June 1972.  Although HN294 appears to have been happy to allow Cameron to go, a memo from Special Branch commander HN585 Matthew Rodger  to the deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police shows Rodger thought it too risky and questioned whether it was an appropriate action for a Metropolitan Police officer to undertake. He directed HN294 to find an excuse for Cameron to use not to go.  

The Counsel to the Inquiry’s opening statement suggests HN294 took security of officers very seriously – withdrawing four of them due to safety concerns, as documented in the 1972 Annual Report.  The 1973 SDS Annual Report refers the withdrawal of two female undercovers, explained as ‘unavoidable, if the stringent demands of security and the officers [sic] best interests are to be served’.  

If HN294 did not feel the ‘stringent demands of security’ were compromised by Cameron travelling to Northern Ireland to meet the IRA, it appears he set a high bar for risk, regardless of what he wrote in the 1972 and 1973 Annual Reports.

Cooperation with MI5

The cooperation between Special Branch, the SDS and the Security Service (MI5) had its highs and lows over the years. Much depended on the personality of the head of the SDS and the liaison at MI5, on their respective needs for specific intelligence and sensitivity to crossing the line with regards to their respective remits.

The Inquiry released several MI5 'notes' mentioning HN294. They appear to show a cordial relationship between the SDS and the Security Service. Meeting regularly to discuss their work and offer mutual assistance, HN294 nonetheless resisted the Security Service’s efforts to get the SDS to act as ‘talent spotters’ looking out for disaffected activists for MI5 to recruit as paid informants.

On 13 January 1972, the commander of Special Branch HN585 Matthew Rodger  called a meeting between the senior management of Special Branch, the SDS and MI5 to coordinate the two agencies' spying on left-wing groups in London. Attending with chief inspector HN1251 Phil Saunders , HN294 explained which groups had been infiltrated by the SDS and said the unit was looking into infiltrating the Young Liberals  and another, redacted, group, which MI5 offered to help with. Minutes were taken by SDS back-office detective sergeant HN103 Dave Smith.

A short, heavily redacted 22 March 1972 MI5 file note concerns the possibility the Security Service working with Special Branch on a specific, redacted matter.  A further note from 13 April showed the two agencies decided it would not be possible.  

A 30 March 1973 MI5 file note by the F4 branch that dealt with informants discussed HN294’s comments on how the SDS infiltrated the International Socialists  and the IMG , mentioning he ‘admitted that they often found that when have [sic] penetrated a branch which they thought would be more interesting, they were disappointed’.  

On 13 November 1973, MI5 F4 personnel described a meeting the previous day with HN294 and detective chief superintendent HN1254 Rollo Watts  that discussed the SDS intelligence-gathering for specific MI5 queries and finding paid informers for the Security Service. The latter request appears to have been turned down, partly because it had been tried unsuccessfully before. The note ends by observing that Special Branch relied ‘almost exclusively on contacts and informants who are rarely paid’.

On 11 January 1974, MI5 called a meeting with HN294 and detective inspector HN3378 Derek Brice  to answer some queries ‘from the F1B desks’ (Northern Ireland). During a post-meeting lunch, MI5 asked the SDS officers again to look out for possible informants for the Security Service to recruit.

HN294’s reaction seems not to have entirely pleased the MI5 author, who noted that HN294 was ‘entirely engrossed in the affairs of the “hairy” squad’. The author continued ‘and although he is personally friendly…’ before a long redaction obscures what one assumes was a critical comment.  

In the Inquiry

The documents referred to in this section call all be found under the Procedural tab and are therefore not referenced here. 

Even though HN294 died before the Inquiry began and his cover name was not known, the Metropolitan Police applied to restrict his real name. In support of this application they submitted a risk assessment, the answers to which were published in August 2017 in 'gisted', i.e. very briefly summarised, form that removed any useful details. Two emails from HN294's family were also made public.

On 3 August 2017 Inquiry Chair John Mitting published a Minded To notice that he would restrict HN294's real name, even though he recognised that: 'There is no risk to [HN294's family's] safety and minimal risk of intrusive interest in them even if his real name were to be published.' 

Ironically, Mitting decided, however, that there was not enough legal justification to breach HN294's family's Article 8 right to respect for their private life. The Counsel to the Inquiry (CTI) published an accompanying explanatory note on the same day.

The non-state non-police core participants made submissions opposing Mitting's Minded To notice on the grounds that he had not given proper weight to the need for open justice, on 5 October 2017.  A hearing on this was held on 21 November 2017. Mitting made an order granting anonymity to HN294 on 5 December 2017. A restriction order over HN294's real name was issued on 8 December 2017.

An updated CTI explanatory note on the 3 August 2017 Minded To notice was published on 13 September 2018.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 17 May 2022


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
C Squad Organogram by named individual, 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Highbury section of Hackney branch of Workers Revolutionary Party discussing demo against 3 day week, held at redacted venue on 5 Jan 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops asking for more funds
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Workers Revolutionary Party (North London) discussing demo and rally at Trafalgar Square that day, held at redacted venue N16 on 27 Nov 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning 'Shrewsbury 24' rally held by International Socialsts in North London, 17 December 1974
MI5 note for policy file reporting meeting between DCI HN294, DI Brice and MI5 on current coverage of socialist groups, held on 11 Jan 1974
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 on SDS expenditure, 21 Dec 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Marxist Group exhorting members to conserve petrol during the oil crisis and consideration of taking membership fees in petrol coupons
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo on SDS Transport Finances
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Central London branch of the Anti-Internment League and the North London branch of TOM
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 on SDS expenditure, 20 Nov 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of West London Troops Out Movement, held at the Bush Hotel W12 on 13 Nov 1973
MI5 note for file reporting meeting between D CH Supt Watts, DCI HN294 and MI5 to discuss targets and coverage, held at 13 Great Marlborough St on 12 Nov 1973, inc list of groups currently infiltrated by the SDS (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Troops Out Movement planning demo for 1 Dec 1973, held at the Bush Hotel W12 on 6 Nov 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Fulham & Hammersmith International Socialists who's left for university
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Central Delegate meeting of the Anti-Internment League at which it was decided not to have further meetings, held at Holborn library and later the Yorkshire Grey pub, Theobald St WC1 on 2 Oct 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an upcoming meeting of the London Federation of Anarchists where it might discuss making a flyposter newspaper, to be held at redacted address on 27 Sept 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an anarchist who resigned from People's Democracy due to their support of indiscriminate IRA bombing and has now joined North London Claimants Union
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on membership figures of International Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the International Marxist Group's exclusion from final planning of a demo by the Joint Action Committee Against Racialism that was held on 22 July 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting organised by the International Marxist Group and Socialist Labour League supported by the Anti-Internment League, subject unknown but probably Ireland or Repression, to be held at Acton Town Hall on 6 July 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Fulham and Hammersmith International Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet enclosing report from HN338 on IMG dissension (not attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on 1973 IMG Annual General Conference, held at Beaver Hall, Garlick Hill, 21-23 April 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a woman connected with the Marxist-Leninist Workers Association Women’s Caucus in response to a request from [redacted]
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing people elected to executive positions during the 1973 Young Liberals annual conference, held at Great Malvern, Worcs in April 73
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on changes to structure of International Socialists in London, now forming District Committees
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting by IMG, International Socialists, and the Socialist Labour League on 'Police oppression and victimisation', held at Conway Hall on 16 Apr 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a brief demo by Croydon Libertarians shutting Church St calling for its pedestrianisation, held on 6 April 1973
MI5 note for policy file on discussion with CI HN294 of SDS regarding International Socialists and the International Marxist Group as 'long term law and order problems' yet being 'disappointed' when they infiltrate branches
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming public meeting by Communist Federation of Great Britain (M-L) on Northern Ireland titled 'The Way Forward', to be held at St Pancras Library on 26 March 1973, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of West London Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub, Hammersmith on 5 March 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on W London Anti-Internment Leage meeting, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 5 Feb 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of South London Anti-Internment League (3 people in HN301) which decided to disband the branch, held at the Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec on 5 Feb 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Indo-China Solidarity Conference, held at Clare Market Building, Houghton St W1 on 6 Feb 1973, inc meeting agenda and proposals, and fact sheet on US draft dodgers in the UK (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Maoist member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign being hostile to former close associates
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of a Marxist study group chatting and studying the Communist Manifesto, held at Claimants Union, 18 Ashbrook Road N16 on 31 Jan 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Association (London), Belgrave Road, SW1, 26 January 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Central London AIL regarding preparations for a ‘Bloody Sunday’ march to end at Camden Town Hall, held at General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd N1 on 26 Jan 1973, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of a Marxist-Leninist Study Group examining the Communist Manifesto, held at redacted venue on 18 Jan 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at the Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec on 15 Jan 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming national demo by Women’s Liberation Workshop and 'other extremist women’s groups’, to be held in London on 10 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the BVSF committee, held at 101 Gower Street W1 on 17 Jan 1972 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposed joint working sessions between the Revolutionary Women's Union and the Stratford Women’s Liberation Workshop
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops asking for the rest of the allocated funds
MI5 Loose Minute reporting meeting with Ch Supt Watts to discuss continuation of liaison with MI5 following amalgamation of 'X' squad with 'C' Squad, Dixon being succeeded by Watts who says more resources needed to monitor the far left
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Eamonn McCann's return to England to organise the Bloody Sunday commemorative demos in AIL on 19 Jan 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report analysing the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) and the belief that they're so bad at promoting Maoism that they're actually secretly trying to discredit it
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a demo held in support of the ‘Stoke Newington 4’, supported by branches of Internaitonal Socialists, starting from Shepherds Bush on 16 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of London branches of IMG to discuss and vote on two documents dealing with the IMG attitude towards the government, held in the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 10 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an Anti-Internment League protest at Eton College against British occupation of Andersonstown in Belfast, 10 Dec 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of S London Anti-Internment League, held at Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec, 11 Dec1972, and Memo on plan for public meeting in Wandsworth Arndale Centre, 16 Dec 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a reception held by Banner Books & Crafts marking the opening of a Chinese photographic exhibition, held at Hampstead Town Hall on 10 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a Christmas party organised by the West London branch of Anti-Apartheid Movement, held at Christabel Gurney's home on 9 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a picket to be held outside the Landsdown Club as part of a demonstration against the Stop the Squash Tour to be held at the Landsdown Club on 6 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo at US Embassy to demand peace in Vietnam, supported by multiple organisations, to be held on 2 Dec 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted address on 20 Nov 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on efforts by Albert Manchanda and Diane Langford to revive the WLF, inc 6 page document ‘Manifesto of Women’s Liberation Front’ (attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the 4th National Women’s Liberation Conference, held at Acton Town Hall on 4-5 Nov 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Socialist support for upcoming Anti-Internment League demo, 11 November 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops asking for next instalment of SDS funds
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of S London Anti-Internment League held at Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec, 23 Oct 1972, planning for a march on 12 Nov 1972, plus a Met phone message of on plans to publicise the march, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union discussing nursery campaign and upcoming conference, held at redacted venue on 23 Oct 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report inc info on IMG join-up with Anti-Internment League and forthcoming meetings, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Internment League National Conference, held at N London Poly, 7-8 Oct 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on activities of International Socialists Information Service that pools data on industrial disputes
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 9 Oct 1972, inc North London Alliance newsletter “Workers Organise”
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the employment details of a member of the Revolutionary Women’s Union and the North London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of an activist in London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meetings of Women's Abortion and Contraception Campaign (WACC) and the Women’s Liberation Movement, held at Bristol University Students Union on 9 Sept 1972 , inc pamphlets 'Enough' and 'Women and Abortion' and registration form (none attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 25 Sept 1972, inc petition titled ‘Women of Islington Demand Adequate Day Nurseries’
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on first official meeting since the amalgamation of the Anti-Internment League and the Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd on 22 Sep 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Notting Hill IMG held to clarify their relationship with the West London IMG, held at redacted venue on 20 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Central London Anti-Internment League, held at General Picton pub on Caledonian Rd, 15 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 18 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report on a meeting of the West London branch of the IMG covering re-organisation of the branch, held at redacted address on 13 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the role of Gery Lawless in the future of the Anti-Internment League and Irish Solidarity Campaign
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted address on 11 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on membership, activities and supporters of the Marxist-Leninist Workers Association
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 on SDS expenditure, 11 Sept 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Fulham and Hammersmith branch of the Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 4 Sep 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of West London IMG, held at Westcott Lodge pub, Hammersmith on 30 Aug 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the International Marxist Group’s Red Defence Force; said to exist though it hasn't been at any demos
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch letter to MI5 enclosing minutes of meeting of MI5, Commander Rodger, Dixon, Saunders, HN294 and DS Smith to discuss coverage and overlap, inc names of targeted groups and problem areas, held at New Scotland Yard on 13 Jan 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Reports covering Anti-Internment League public meeting at Speakers Corner supported by IMG, 6 Aug 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of Anti-Internment League planning to picket Army recruitment offices, held at Wheatsheaf Pub, Tooting Bec, 8 Aug 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees at a meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at Conway Hall on 9 Aug 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women's Union, held at redacted venue on 31 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IMG's failure to recruit a redacted person
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
2 copies of report on weekly meeting details for the East London (Paddy McAdorey) Cumann of Sinn Fein, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Reports on weekly meeting place of N London Cumann of Sinn Fein (Foresters Hall NW5), inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Holloway branch of Anti-Internment League to be held at Hole In The Wall, Camden, 2 Aug 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Coahairle Ceanntair (District Committee) of Sinn Fein London, held at 99 Belgrave Road SW1 on 28 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a sit-in organised by Roger Casement Cumann of Provisional Sinn Fein in protest at behaviour of door staff, held at Kilburn Irish Centre on 14 July 72, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1972, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on general meeting of the Sinn Fein Provisionals (London), held at Irish Centre, Murray St NW1, 23 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular raffle by Terence McSwiney cumann of Provisional Sinn Fein, held at the Hop Poles pub, Hammersmith W6 on Saturdays, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of West London IMG, held at Wescott Lodge pub, Hammersmith on 19 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of ‘Terence McSwiney’ Cumann of Sinn Fein (Provisionals), held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 19 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning delegate conference of Anti-Internment League, held at Workers Music Association, Westbourne Park Rd, 16 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Two copies of report on departure details of the Secretary of Comhairle Ceanntair of London Sinn Fein (Provisionals)’, alleging he is going to NI to take part in fighting
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Fulham and Hammersmith Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, discussing demo on 9 July 1972, held at Wescott Lodge pub on 13 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Fulham Branch of Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub, 7 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops asking for next instsalment of SDS funds
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on all-day meeting of the London Aggregate of IMG, held at students union, Prince Consort Rd, Kennington SW8 on 1 July 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the West Cross Action Group demo from Shepherd's Bush roundabout along the proposed route of an urban motorway, 24 June 1972, inc leaflet with map
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the West Cross Action Group discussing leafleting of proposed motorway route, held at redacted’s home on 25 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a merger conference of the International Marxist Group and the Spartacus League (very detailed), held at Conway Hall on 27-29 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone Message on a joint public meeting of two branches of the Anti-Internment League and the South London Irish Solidarity Campaign on the topic of Derry Free zones, to be held at the Rotary Street Club on 28 June 72
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a leaflet produced by Piers Corbyn on behalf of the Notting Hill IMG as an assessment of the predominantly black Notting Hill Metro Youth Club demo
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Special Branch report authored by HN348 concerning a weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 26 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of ISC News inc minutes of an Irish Solidarity Campaign Executive Committee meeting held on 3 June 1972 (copies attached)
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at Camden Irish Centre on 13 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of the Anti-Internment League discussing upcoming demos, held at Camden Irish Centre 11 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the West Cross Action Group (comprised of members of the Young Liberals), held at 90 Fawe Park Road SW15 on 11 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 12 June 1972, inc 5 of the 6 pages of a paper titled ‘Nurseries for Working Women‘
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Northern Minority Defence Force discussing financial issues, held at Camden Irish Centre on 8 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of some of those arrested, inc HN298, at the demo in Richmond against the British Lions rugby tour of South Africa, Rugby Tour, held at redacted address on 11 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Northern Minority Defence Force executive committee discussing police discovery of the organisation, ensuing arrests and press exposure, held at the Richmond pub NW8 on 6 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Committee of the Anti-Internment League, 23 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a recent meeting of the Anti-Apartheid Movement about Rhodesia, held at Central Hall SW1 on 6 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Fulham and Hammersmith Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 5 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an upcoming demo against South African police brutality to be held by the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the NUS at South Africa House on 9 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London ISC, including a talk on the present situation in Ireland, held at the General Picton pub on 2 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the International Marxist Group’s Red Defence Force and its anticipated involvement in Vietnam War demo on 4 June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Northern Minority Defence Force where HN344 is elected to the National Executive Committee as responsible for security and Anti-Internment League, held at Camden Irish Centre NW1 on 25 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Officers’ Committee of the Military Wing of the Northern Minority Defence Force including interviews of prospective members, held after the NMDF general meeting at Camden Irish Centre on 25 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on planned Anti-Internment League March from Slough to Windsor on 24 June 1972, and plans to hold 200 lectures, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Internment League plans to hold march from Slough to Windsor on 24 June 1972 and have a 200 lectures in June too, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
File Note from Rodger on potential trip to Derry by HN344 with the Northern Minorities Defence Force
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of people arrested blockading England rugby team's departure for their South Africa tour, inc HN298, held at the home of Jonathan Rosenhead on 25 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union held to discuss the position of the organisation and the lack of new members, held at redacted address on 22 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at General Picton pub on 24 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Northern Minority Defence Force establishing a National Executive, held at Camden Irish Centre NW1 on 18 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report giving a brief account of International Socialist activity in Irish affairs in various parts of England and Scotland
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 15 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet of reports of arrests and charges of demonstrators against English Rugby Team's departure for South Africa, May-June 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a school strike involving around 800 children, organised by the Schools Action Union, held on 8 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Fulham Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub, 8 May 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union to form a Socialist National Women's Movement but no invitees came, held at redacted venue on 7 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of South London Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at at the Rotary Street club on 3 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops asking for further funds
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the election results of the 1972 Young Liberals Conference
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming Palestine Day Rally to be addressed by Peter Hain, to be held at Speakers Corner on 14 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a short meeting held by the newly elected National Committee of International Socialists to elect the various Sub-Committee members, held immediately after Annual Conference on 3 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union discussing falling enthusiasm and ways to re-energise the group plus fears a phone is tapped, held at redacted private home on 4 May 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at Camden Irish Centre, 2 May 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report assessing the current position and state of the BVSF, inc BVSF Statement of Policy
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Young Liberal Movement annual conference 1972, held at the Winter Gardens, Morecombe 31 March – 3 April 1972 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on invitation received by the Executive and National Committee of the Anti-Apartheid Movement from Tanzanian ambassador to the UN
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Executive Committee of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, held 89 Charlotte St on 18 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and political details of the current chairman of the North London Alliance
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Socialists annual conference, held at Beaver Hall, Garlick Hill NW4 on 1-3 April 1972 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting that Hammersmith Labour Party has lifted its ban on allowing the West London IMG to use its rooms
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a pre-conference meeting for London members of the IMG, held at Toynbee Hall on 16 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Revolutionary Women’s Union inc discussion of liaison with Haringey Women’s Lib workshop, held at redacted venue on 17 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Twp reports on Northern Minority Defence Force; one of meeting planning to oppose upcoming Vanguard Rally, held at Camden Irirsh Centre NW1 on 20 April 1972, another on personal details of a NMDF member
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Internment League demo against Gloucestershire Regiment’s march through Bristol, 5 April 1972, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Northern Minority Defence Force officers' board meeting to make plans to oppose upcoming Vanguard Rally, held at their redacted HQ NW2 on 19 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on 'An open letter to IS' by the Political Committee of the IMG to the International Socialists on how to heal their differences in policy towards Ireland, inc copy
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a leaflet advertising four upcoming public meetings organised by the Women’s National Co-ordinating Committee, to be held at The Laurel Tree pub NW1 between 22 April and 28 Oct 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Northern Minority Defence Force meeting further discussing a visit to London by William Craig of the Ulster Vanguard on 29 April, held at Camden Irish Centre on 13 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Anti-Internment League leaflet on the voting record of MPs on a recent amendment to supend the Special Powers Act in Northern Ireland
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Haringey Women’s Liberation Workshop, held at redacted private home on 13 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting up-to-date contact list for W London VSC
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Revolutionary Women’s Union inc discussion of recent Women’s Liberation conference in Manchester, and attacking a fascist paper seller in Islington the day before, held at redacted venue on 10 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet for 400/72/42, written by Saunders, apparently relates to Anti-Internment League demo at Glos Regt parade in Bristol
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Irish Solidarity Campaign conference, to be held at Trinity College, Oxford on 29-30 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at Camden Irish Centre, 11 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a delegate meeting of the AIL, held at Camden Irish Centre on 11 June 1972, inc leaflet for Bristol protest on April 15
MI5 Note for File on the decision not to work with Special Branch on an issue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an emergency meeting of the Officers’ Committee of the Northern Minority Defence Force discuss a visit by William Craig of the Ulster Vanguard, held at the Irish Club, Eaton Square on 9 April 1972 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report meeting of Putney Young Liberals concerning environmental matters, held at 90 Fawe Park Road SW15 on 6 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on joint meeting of Notting Hill and West London branches of the IMG held to discuss amalgamation of the two groups, held at Students Union, Imperial College SW3 on 5 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the release of an individual from prison and where he'll be staying
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Internment League soliciting funds from affiliated bodies, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of West London Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at home of Charles van Gelderen on 6 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc talk from Black Panther Party, held at General Picton pub on 31 March 72
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at the General Picton pub on 7 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Women’s Liberation Conference, held at Manchester University on 25/26 March 1972, inc 48 pages of leaflets and documents
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Notting Hill IMG featuring discussion of Red Circle and a perspectives document by Piers Corbyn, held at redacted venue on 29 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Red Circle intended to be a talk about Cuba which did not occur due to the absence of the planned speaker, held at the General Picton pub on 28 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Four reports on meetings of the Northern Minority Defence Force held at: the Crown pub NW2 on 25 March 1972; Hemmingford Arms N1 on 29 March 1972; Camden Irish Centre on 9 April 1972; Irish Centre on 6 April 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of the Anti-Internment League held to discuss arrangements for upcoming demo on 26 March, held at Dublin Castle pub NW1 on 23 March 1972, inc briefing leaflet for march stewards
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign discussing recent police raids on the homes of members of the ISC and IS, held at Gen Picton pub on 17 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle with a talk on South Africa, Metropolitan Police Special Branch, held at the General Picton pub on 14 March 1972 
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union where the M-L Workers Faction resigned to avoid expulsion and plans made to join National Nursery Campaign, held at redacted venue on 20 March 1972
MI5 Note for File on the possibility of working with Special Branch on an issue
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a (wholly redacted) list of nominees for election to the National Committee of International Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Ealing and District Anti-Internment League inc a list of those elected to the working committee
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of West London Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at Labour Party Rooms, Uxbridge Rd, Shepeherds Bush on 16 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Apartheid Movement’s plans for 'International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination' demo on 21 Mar 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Internment League delegate meeting electing a March Committee for demo on 26 March, held at Camden Irish Centre on 16 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 13 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on emergency meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union to decide what to do about 3 disruptive members, held at redacted private home on 10 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on West London Anti-Apartheid Group inc a leaflet for public meeting 'The Fight Against Portuguese Colonialism' and screening of 'Behind The Lines' at Ecumenical Centre W11, 20 Mar 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of an individual gathered in reponse to request from MI5
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting International Socialists' internal annual report of its National Committee inc committees, publications, new branches, etc.
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Apartheid Movement’s upcoming demo on 21 Mar 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposal by the National Committee of International Socialists to target propaganda at 'immigrant population'
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans by the Anti-Apartheid Movement to hold vigils wherever the Pearce Commission on Rhodesia is sitting, from 12 Mar 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on arrests following the Anti-Internment League demo on 5 Feb 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted venue on 2 March 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Northern Minority Defence Force successfully applying for affilliation to the Anti-Internment League
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on distribution of a document by the International Socialists entitled "What happened in Derry"
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Irish Solidarity Campaign discussing activities of the Anti-Internment League & approving of bombing of Aldershot barracks, held at General Picton pub on 25 Feb 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the 'Croydon Commitment' discussing prosecution from anti-pollution demo & future action against Rio Tinto Zinc for incursion into Snowdonia, held at redacted venue on 23 Feb 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN294 to Commander Ops saying Squad expenditure approved
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Anti-Apartheid Movement’s plans for an upcoming demo on 21 Mar 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Anti-Apartheid Movement’s plans for upcoming demo on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, delivering petition to Downing St, pickets at Rhodesia House, South Africa House and Rio Tinto Zinc, to be held on 21 Mar 19
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted private home on 24 Feb 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of International Socialists with a talk on 'Is China Socialist' by Tony Cliff, held at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 23 Feb 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign featuring a talk by a member of the International Socialists on the IS Policy on Ireland’, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 18 Feb 1972
MI5 note for policy file rebutting points in minutes of 13 Jan 1972 meeting with Special Branch about relations between them on coverage and overlap
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that International Socialists are encouraging members to support upcoming Rhodesia Emergency Campaign demo on 13 Feb
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle with talk by Pat Jordan on employment, held at General Picton pub on 18 Jan 72
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front, held at redacted private home on 20 Jan 1972
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on intention of members of the IMG and other anti-Zionists to take part in a demo against an Israeli minister on 20 Jan 1973
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN332 to Rodger asking for next instalment of funds
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Note for File that HN294 of the ‘Special Squad’ will be at the conference of the Progressive Intellectuals Study Group to be held 4-5 Dec 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting of the INLSF, held at redacted address on 13 July 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Terence McSwiney cumann of Sinn Fein making plans to hold demos in protest at Ireland's application to join the Common Market at Aer Lingus, the Irish Embassy and an address in Bond St on 26 June 1971, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 10
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone message on upcoming Dambusters Mobilising Committee “Day of Action” picket of MoD on 10 June 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Phone message on Dambusters Mobilising Committee ‘Day of Action’ plan to picket MoD on 10 June 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting copies of the Sinn Fein ‘Constitution and Rules’ have been received from Dublin, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC meeting inc discussion of a letter received from The Guardian regarding reporting on a recent demo, held at Queens Arms, Penton Street W1 on 4 May 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on appointment of Duncan Hallas to Political National Secretary of International Socialists
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a person has twice given money to Abhimanyu Manchanda
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front study group meeting, held at redacted private home on 18 March 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an Extraordinary Meeting of the Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist League reducing Manchanda's role, held on 13 March 1971 at redacted private home address, inc 10 page 'Statement on the Crisis of RMLL' by Manchanda
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of the ‘Perspectives Document’ distributed for discussion at the upcoming International Socialists Annual Conference, to be held at Beaver Hall, Garlick Hill EC4 on 10-12 April 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Communist Party of GB (M-L) describing a British delegation's visit to China, held at Conway Hall WC1 on 29 Jan 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the INLSF, plan to picket Roche trial on 8 Feb, held at the Marquis of Clanricarde, Southwick St W2 on 31 Jan 1971, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a fundraising card game organised by the Hammersmith branch of NICRA, held at the Hop Poles pub, King St W6 on 26 Jan 1971
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Irish Solidarity Campaign leaflet opposing the use of CS gas in Northern Ireland
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on VSC meeting to discuss upcoming demo on 6 Oct 1970, held at Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road on 29 Sept 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Red Circle where a series of talks was planned, held at 182 Pentonville Road on 22 Sept 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a committee meeting of the VSC planning Oct action, held at Red Mole offices on 22 Sept 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle inc appeal to support ICRSC picket of the offices of The Guardian and The Sunday Times, held at 182 Pentonville Rd N1 on 21 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London Stop the Seventy Tour, held at Friends Meeting House, 120 Heath Street NW3 on 15 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on details of International Socialism and the IMG’s intention to support the Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign demo to held at Shephers Bush on 19 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Steering Committee of the ICRSC planning two demos, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 9 July 1970
Metropolitan Police Service
Approved Commissioner's Commendation for HN135's work with the SDS, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC, held the ‘Earl Russell’ Public House, Pancras Road NW1 on 26 June 1970, inc minute sheet
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on upcoming action of the Anti-Apartheid Movement at Downing St on 29 Jun 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on upcoming action by supporters of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, to be held at Downing Street on 29 Jan 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Steering Committee of the ICRSC discussing Frank Keane Defence Committee, held at the Earl Russell pub NW1 on 18 June 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing current members of the Kensington and Paddington Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hammersmith NICRA, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 22 May 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on inaugural meeting of Paddington and Kensington Palestine Solidarity Campaign, held at the Marquis of Clanricarde pub W2 on 25 Mar 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the VSC April 19th Ad Hoc Committee, held at Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road W1 on 20 March 1970
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Abhimanyu Manchanda is travelling to Paris and back on 11 Dec 1969
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet commending a report by HN294 apparently on International Socialists' interest in Northern Irish issues


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 21)
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications
SDS officers – Minded-To indicating intention to maintain the restriction orders of 4 SDS officers (Minded-To Note 15)
Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 5
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (January 2018 update)
Explanatory note
HN294 – Anonymity Order (Order 38)
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 1)
Press Notice: Ruling on Special Demonstration Squad anonymity applications
Press Notice
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 8: Anonymity II, Restriction Order Approach (Day 2)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach, Photographs
Transcript of UCPI Procedural Hearing 8: Anonymity II, Restriction Order Approach (Day 1)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach, Neither Confirm Nor Deny
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (November 2017 update)
Explanatory note
MPS – Submissions re SDS anonymity restriction orders, responding to points made by media and NSCPs
NSCPs – Submissions re Minded-To Note of 3 August 2017 on restriction order applications
Anonymity, Photographs
The Guardian – Submissions on restriction order applications in response to the 3 August 2017 Minded-To Note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 1)
Minded-To Note
SDS officers – List of documents published on 3 August 2017 to accompany Minded-To Note 1
Hearing bundle index
Press Notice: Minded-to Note, ruling and directions in respect of anonymity applications relating to the SDS
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (August 2017 update)
Explanatory note
HN294 – 2nd email from a child-in-law
Supporting material
HN294 – Open application for restriction order
HN294 – 1st Email from a child-in-law on potential impact on the widow of HN294
Supporting material
Extension of time for service of anonymity applications by the MPS in respect of the SDS (Direction 12)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach
HN294 – Open Risk Assessment
Risk assessment