Dates active:
HN3990 Riby Wilson

Riby Wilson began his career with the Metropolitan Police in 1950, transferring to Special Branch in 1953. He progressed through the ranks, becoming a detective sergeant in 1960 and a detective inspector in 1965. 

In July 1968, Wilson became one of three inspectors in the newly formed Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) and served in that role until March 1970. His responsibilities included overseeing undercover officers and receiving and disseminating intelligence reports.

After leaving the SDS, Wilson rose to the rank of detective chief superintendent where, during 1974, he oversaw some SDS reports.

In 1976, Wilson was part of a team tasked with reviewing the SDS’ operations, ultimately recommending the unit continue despite concerns about the squad’s effectiveness. Wilson retired in 1977 due to ill health and died in 1988.

While Riby Wilson was in the SDS, another ‘R Wilson’, Detective Sergeant HN318 Ray Wilson, worked in the unit as an undercover officer. This has led to confusion about which R Wilson Inquiry documents refer to. 

However, Riby and Ray only briefly shared the same rank – detective inspector – between July 1969 to July 1970, so it is usually possible to delineate between them by rank.

Pre-SDS Career

Riby Wilson joined the MPS on 9 January 1950, transferring to Special Branch in 1953. From there, he was promoted to detective sergeant in 1960 and detective inspector in 1965.

In the Special Demonstration Squad

Riby Wilson became one of three inspectors in the Special Demonstration Squad from its formation in July 1968, staying in that role until March 1970.

According to HN3093 Roy Creamer , then a junior back-office staff member of the SDS, Wilson, alongside HN325 Conrad Dixon , met the undercover officers every day, receiving reports from them and disseminating the information to other parts of Special Branch.

Creamer also said that Wilson was the unit’s third in command, although HN332 Cameron Sinclair  and HN1251 Phil Saunders  held the same rank as Wilson.

In a November 1968 document written by Conrad Dixon, he described Wilson’s role including ‘press and informants’ but said he was not involved ‘operationally’ – meaning Wilson did not go undercover.

The media element of this role, according to Creamer, was probably ‘poetic licence’ on Dixon’s behalf as the SDS did everything it could to keep the existence of the unit secret.

Most of the documents published by the Inquiry associated with Riby Wilson are undercovers’ reports he countersigned in his role as one of the SDS’ four managers between 1968 and 1970. 

The reports Wilson signed broadly reflected the groups that the SDS spied upon during this time, beginning with those involved in organising anti-Vietnam war demonstrations before broadening out across the left of the political spectrum. There are eight Special Branch reports signed by Riby Wilson in 1970 and all, except one, concern anti-apartheid activity, see Documents tab.

The documents associated with Wilson released by the Inquiry tell us little about him but two other former officers offered their views on his management style. Writing about Wilson’s personality, Roy Creamer commented: ‘He could be strict and was quite a forceful fellow. He was more of a Sergeant Major than an officer.’ 

However, a back-office colleague HN3095 Bill Furner  said that Wilson was ‘very free and easy’.  

There are two incidents of particular interest during Wilson’s time with the SDS.

Visit to Lady Jane Birdwood

Wilson and Cameron Sinclair visited Lady Jane Birdwood on 5 September 1968 on the instruction of Chief Superintendent HN2857 Arthur Cunningham.

Birdwood was a prominent figure on the British far right. Her trajectory within the overtly racist right wing of British politics began in 1962, and she was later part of several groups, including the National Front  and the British National Party.

Described as the ‘largest individual distributor of racist and antisemitic material in Britain’, including notorious blood libel The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Birdwood was prosecuted several times.  She was also involved in anti-trade union and anti-communist groups.

The visit appears to have taken place in response to concerns that Birdwood expressed to the Metropolitan Police about the potential violence of the 27 October 1968 Vietnam Solidarity Campaign  demonstration.

Birdwood met the two officers ‘… in the middle of the lawn’ in one of her late husband’s family’s stately homes, according to the report, which went on to describe her as ‘politically well-informed’.

This positive assessment contrasts with often mocking and derogatory assessments of left-wing political views found in SDS reports. Other commentators have also mentioned this courtesy visit as exemplifying the unit’s bias against left-wing activists and towards the right.

Doug Edwards and the National Front debate

HN326 ‘Doug Edwards’ , who was undercover in the SDS between 1968 and 1971, infiltrated the small, left-wing Independent Labour Party (ILP).  He attended a meeting to which members of the International Socialists – who objected to an ILP proposal to debate the fascist National Front – arrived in large numbers to confront the ILP.

Having been forewarned, Edwards recalled, senior SDS officers Phil Saunders and Riby Wilson were in a car outside the pub where the meeting was being held. He said they told him afterwards that, had he been attacked, they would have physically intervened. Edwards said he doubted they would have done so.

Post-SDS Career

Wilson left the SDS in March 1970 and was promoted to the rank of detective chief inspector shortly afterwards, in July 1970. In April 1973 he became a detective superintendent. His name then appears on documents from late 1970 onwards, although he is no longer in the SDS. He is also mentioned in an October 1970 telegram regarding an anti-apartheid demonstration.  

It is not known which Special Branch squad he was in at that stage. Roy Creamer mentioned that he got to know Riby Wilson better after they both left the SDS, so it is possible that he was in C Squad , where Creamer worked immediately after leaving the SDS.

Chief superintendent 1974-1977

In April 1974, Wilson received his final promotion to detective chief superintendent. As a Special Branch chief superintendent, he countersigned 57 SDS reports on various groups. Again, there is no confirmation which squad Wilson oversaw during this time. It seems likely he was signing in the absence of the chief superintendent of S Squad , to which the SDS belonged at the time.

The reports came from several SDS undercover officers, including HN300 ‘Jim Pickford’  and HN297 Richard Clark (‘Rick Gibson’) , who both had sexual relationships  with members of the groups they were targeting. Wilson also signed off reports that included personal details about individuals.

1976 review of the SDS

In 1976, just before his retirement, Riby Wilson was part of a team – alongside chief superintendents HN1254 Rollo Watts , HN332 Cameron Sinclair , HN819 Detective Chief Inspector Derek Kneale  and HN34 Detective Inspector Geoff Craft – tasked by HN585 Commander Matthew Rodger  to set up an internal review to consider the future of the SDS.

All the reviewers except Rollo Watts had served in the SDS and therefore had a vested interest in concluding that it had value. So, despite assessing that the public-order threat and ‘degree of violence’ had diminished since 1968, the review determined that the unit should carry on.

In perhaps one of the most damning comments contained in Inquiry Chair John Mitting’s Interim Report in June 2023 Interim Report, Mitting stated that: 

‘it is hard to see how any conclusion reached by those involved in the [1976] review could legitimately have been reached which would not have resulted in the closure of the SDS’.


Riby Wilson retired due to ill health on 27 January 1977 after 27 years working for the Metropolitan Police.  He died in 1988.

In the Inquiry

No procedural documents exist for this officer but it is worth noting that when Riby Wilson was in the SDS, another R Wilson – detective sergeant HN318 Ray Wilson – worked as an undercover officer in the unit. This has led to confusion, in Inquiry documents, over which R Wilson is which. 

However, Wilsons Riby and Ray only briefly held the same rank – between July 1969 and July 1970, when both were detective inspectors. It is therefore usually possible to delineate between them by this difference in seniority.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 16 May 2022


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Gist of Central Record of Service for PN1748 Riby Wilson
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Anarchy Collective and his family
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a loan given to the IMG bookshop by Tariq Ali in 1972
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of Outer East London District Committee SWP, including HN354 as district treasurer
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Deptford SWP discussing how public meetings of various groups could be protected from attacks by the National Front and the police, held at Oxford Arms pub, Deptford Church St SE14 on Fri 8 July
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that, following violent clashes between the National Front and the SWP, the SWP plan to drive National Front paper sellers off the streets at Wood Green and Barking Reg Court on 16 July 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical and employment details of a member of Seven Sisters SWP and the National Association of Operative Printers and Assistants woh works at the SWP print shop
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on informal meeting Lea Valley District SWP following a demo in support of the Lewisham 24 Defence Committee, held at redacted private home N15 on 2 July 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment, political and physical details of a former Labour party member who is now a member of Seven Sisters SWP
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP on law and order inc reference to Islington 18 Defence Committee, held at the Forth Library, Manor Gardens on 1 June 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of West Middlesex District SWP on 'Smash Racism' with speaker Nigel Harris, held at Southall Town Hall on 20 June 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Seven Sisters SWP preparing for national conference, held at redacted private home on 1 June 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on state of N London District SWP inc reference to failure of party invovlement with the Islington 18 Defence Committee
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP inc discussion of upcoming anti-Jubilee demonstration, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 19 May 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP discussing future anti-National Front activities, held at the Rose & Crown pub N11 on 11 May 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a day of action organised by the National Union of Public Employees at Weir Maternity Hospital and St George's Hospital, held on 28 April 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk by a British Airways employee on the recent strike at Heathrow Airport, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 20 April 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of East London Libertarians inc report from National Deviance Conference, held at 123 Lathom Road E6 on 25 April 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the East London Libertarians
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the East London Libertarians
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the relationship between N London District SWP and the Islington 18 Defence Campaign
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal political and sexual details of a member of the Finsbury Park, Islington and Enfield branches of the SWP
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Socialist Worker has discontinued the employment of full-time organisers following an award of damages for libel against it to a member of the ASTMS
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an IMG member joining the Deptford Labour Party Young Socialists for the purposes of entryism
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Zero Collective is planning to publish the first edition of its magazine Zero
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of the East London Libertarians on the subject of Anarchy and Libertarianism, held at redacted venue on 10 March 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal employment details of a member of the Freedom Collective
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of East London Libertarians inc discussion of setting up bookshop/cafe and upcoming Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law demo, held at redacted venue on 2 March 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the new home address of Richard Chessum
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that East London Libertarians say the Zero Collective plans to publish the first edition of its newspaper
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Islington International Socialists will support the Islington 18 Defence Committee
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of East London Libertarians, held at redacted private home on 16 Feb 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the East London Libertarians
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on fortnightly meeting of East London Libertarians on ‘What's wrong with the Women's Movement’, held at redacted private home on 2 Feb 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of all London student members of the International Marxist Group, held at the St Clements Building, LSE on 27 Jan 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing IMG members who attended that National Abortion Campaign tribunal, held at Central Hall, Westminster on 29 Jan 1977 (list wholly redacted)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP titled ‘Why you should be a Socialist’, held in the North Library, Manor Gardens E7 on 19 Jan 1977
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a founding delegate conference of the All Lewisham Campaign against Racialism and Fascism, held at Catford Town Hall on 22 Jan 1977 
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) and its activities in uniting Marxist-Leninist groups and party building
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on dispute between International Socialists and the party's printshop over whether they shold take on commercial work to clear their debts
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Battersea and Wandsworth Anti-Fascist Committee, held at Battersea Peoples Aid and Action centre, 8 Falcon Rd SW11 on 2 Nov 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on employment details of an person who works for IPG Magazines and is a union offical
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on routine meeting of Hackney International Socialists, held at Centerprise, Kingsland High St E8 on 4 Nov 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the formation of the International Socialists / Socialist Worker Youth Movement [later called Rebel]
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the last in the series of the Communist Unity Association-inspired discussions on party building, held at Willingham Hall NW3 on 16 Oct 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Islington Committee for Community Relations, held at Islington Town Hall on 22 Oct 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on London Organisation of IMG moving offices and operating under the name Socialist Education Group
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the East London Anarchists who helps with Freedom
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an All London Meeting of the Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Gay Centre, Stepney on 3 Oct 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming picket of a National Front meeting, organised by the Brent Trades Council and supported by International Socialists, to be held at Burnt Oak library on 14 Oct 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on composition of London Committee of IMG as agreed at the London aggregate meeting
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing restructuring of the London organisation, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 29 Sept 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that Tariq Ali is rumoured to be considering joining the International Socialists
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal marital details of the secretary of Hackney International Socialists
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a house jointly owned by members of the Hackney International Socialists who ae struggling to meet the mortgage payments
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics inc a proposed week of action to protest against public sector cuts, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 23 Sept 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting held by the Trico Strike Committee chaired by the AUEW Divisional Organiser for the strike, held at 1 Woodlands Rd, Southall on 31 Aug 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of the Anarchist Workers Association has applied to join the Marylebone Rifle and Pistol Club
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a couple who are members of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IMG plan to call for a national mobilisation of its members to participate in the anti-fascist demonstration in Blackburn on 9 Sept 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc discussion of interventions in Greenwich Labour Party by two members, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 28 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular fortnightly meeting of SE London Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297 inc reports from the Labour Movement Delegation sub-committee and the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of TOM, held at Charlton House SE7 on 28 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the London Ireland Commission of Big Flame as part of a policy of resisting the TOM leadership, held at 62 Peckham Rd SE5 (home of HN297) on 25 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc a general discussion of anti-racist work, held at 233 Holden House SE8 on 22 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a three-weekly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 22 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first public meeting of the Hackney Community Relations Council, defended by a guard of left-wing groups, held at Stoke Newington Hall on 22 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Hackney International Socialists
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a leaflet by the Anarchist Workers Association titled 'Background to the Hanging' to be distributed outside Irish embassy on the hanging of Marie and Noel Murray (copy attached)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on routine business meeting of the SE London IMG, held at 23 Holden House SE8 on 15 July 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a joint debate held by the IMG and the International Communist League on ’Building a Trotskyist International', held at Conway Hall on 25 June 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Troops Out Movement fund-raising evening of theatre and culture, held at Conway Hall on 17 June 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a conference of the National Ireland Commission of Big Flame, held in Leeds on 29-30 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a pre-conference summary aggregate meeting of London membership of IMG, held at Lindhurst Hall W6 on 22 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of West Middlesex District of the Workers' League in conjunction with the South Asia Socialist Forum, held at the Public Rooms, Isleworth on 27 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a series of educational meetings held by the South London group of Big Flame, including discussion of 'The Working Class, The Unions and Mass Practice', held at 121 Railton Road, Brixton on 27 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Tower Hamlets IS discussing the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law, held at Music library, Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green E2 on 27 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first of a series of talks on party building held between members representing several Marxist-Leninist groups, held at Burgh House, New Road NW3 on 22 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular weekly meeting of SE London branch of TOM discussing a report on the TOM National Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 19 May 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first national aggregate meeting of the Workers' League, held at Digbeth Civic Hall, Birmingham on 8-9 May 1976, inc draft constitution
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of various groups including the IMG, the Greenwich Labour Party and NALGO
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, held at Freedom, 84b Whitechapel High St E1 on 24 April 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the South London Group of Big Flame on lessons from Portugal inc screening of 'On The Side of the People' chaired by HN297, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 12 April 1974
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on IMG meeting to build support for a SE London branch of the National Co-ordinating Committee Against Cuts in the NHS, held at Charlton House SE6 on 21 April 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting Workers Revolutionary Party publications, thrice-weekly 'News Digest' and a sheet trailing a new newspaper 'Daily Newsline' (neither attached), and details of upcoming Mayday march
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of organisation campaigning on the Prevention of Terrorism Act set up International Socialists and supported by Hammersmith Shop Stewards Committee, held at unspecified West London venue in Nov 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the planned support of IMG for a demo by the Basque Centre, to be held at Iberian Airlines, Regent St W1 on 13 March 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants at a picket protesting against private medical practice at Hammersmith Hospital, held on 27 Feb 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular meeting of South East London International Marxist Group, inc discussion of campaigns against cuts in public expenditure, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church St SE8 on 26 Feb 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on march and meeting by Coventry and Chrysler Right to Work Committee, supported by International Socialists, against National Front demo and National Party gatherings in Coventry on 28 Feb 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on press conference by Workers Revolutionary Party to announce cessation of trading of Plough Press and publication 'Workers Press', held at WRP HQ in Clapham, 13 Feb 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the history of the Workers' League, including a list of supporters and trade union affiliation
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the internal structure of the IMG, including a list of certain members alongside 'party names'
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming weekend school hosted by Workers Revolutionary Party for North and East London regions of WRP Young Socialists, to be held at White Meadows (aka Red House) Parwich, Derbyshire on 31 Jan and 1 Feb 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details about 'Mary' inc her employment
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on regular weekly meeting of the SE London Troops Out Movement discussing the forthcoming public meeting on 22 Jan 1976, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Rd SE7 on 12 Jan 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Wandsworth Anarchist Workers Association chaired by HN300, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre on 6 Jan 1976
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of SE London branch of TOM inc discussion of forthcoming public meeting sponsored by Greenwich Trades Council, held at Charlton House SE7, 5 Jan 1976, inc minute sheet
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report naming two members of the newly-formed International Communist League
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Delegate Conference of the AWA (HN300 was an elected delegate), held at redacted address on 16 Aug 1975.
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Wandsworth Anarchist Workers Association inc HN300 arguing refusal of membership to others, held at redacted private home on 17 July 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of East Ham Sub-District of Workers Revolutionary Party discussing Delegate Conference earlier the same day, held at redacted venue on 13 July 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM discussing forthcoming Week of Action, held at Charlton House SE7, 7 July 1975, inc minute sheet
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an area aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc making arrangements for National Abortion Campaign demo on 21 June, held redacted private home on 13 June 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group, held at the Battersea Peoples Aid and Action Centre, 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 30 Jan 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Battersea Redevelopment Group with other action groups and plans to meet again at either Battersea or Camden Town Hall on 4 March 1975
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of North London International Socialists who would make themselves available for a babysitting rota
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an evening of entertainment organised by the IS, held at Camden Town Hall on 8 Dec 1974, inc leaflet on the Shrewsbury pickets (attached)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Freedom Collective, held at Freedom Bookshop on 12 Nov 1974
Riby Wilson
MI5 Note for File reporting meeting on current SDS structure, activity and management, held at New Scotland Yard on 30 Aug 1974, inc list of infiltrated groups (attached)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Terence McSwiney cumann of Sinn Fein making plans to hold demos in protest at Ireland's application to join the Common Market at Aer Lingus, the Irish Embassy and an address in Bond St on 26 June 1971, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 10
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report and attachment concerning the booklet “Sinn Fein – Yesterday and Today”, inc minute sheet
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming regional conference of London Region Stop the Seventy Tour Committee, to be held at St Pancras Town Hall on 5 Apr 1970
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Steering Committee of the ICRSC planning Conway Hall rally with Bernadette Devlin, held at Earl Russell pub NW1 on 14 May 1970, inc minute sheet
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of information on a fundraising party of the SE London STST Committee, held at a redacted address on 21 March 1970
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a SE London Stop the Seventy Tour fundraising meeting, held at redacted venue on 21 March 1970
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demonstration and vigil organised by Clann na h’Eireann, 21/22 Feb 1970
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Annual qualification report card for HN335 Mike Tyrrell, 1969-70
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Islington Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign, held at the George pub, Liverpool Road on 1 Dec 1969
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Action Committee Against NATO, held at CND offices, 14 Grays Inn Road WC1 on 17 Sept 1969
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing International Marxist Group members and branches in other cities
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on which demo the BVSF will participate in on 1 May 1969 - seems to be trade union one at Tower Hill rather than a police-speculated one at US embassy
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on proposed VSC demonstration to take place on 1 May 1969
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Britain-Vietnam Solidarity Front to assess the future role of the organisation, held at Union Tavern N1 on 16 March 1969
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Riby Wilson on upcoming 9 March 1969 demo by the Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by Riby Wilson on upcoming 9 March 1969 demo by the Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet regarding factional differences in the VSC ahead of National Conference
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Photograph of Riby Wilson, Phil Saunders, Conrad Dixon, Bill Furner and HN332 (Exhibit WF/13 to HN3095 Bill Furner’s Witness Statement)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Met Police Telegram from Riby Wilson with info on International Socialists' plans for Oct 1968 Vietnam demo
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting between HN332, Riby Wilson and Lady Jane Birdwood concerning the upcoming VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’, held at Birdwood's home on 5 Sept 1968
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Entire file on Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (Aug 1968-Jan 1969)
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting, Westbourne Grove, 6 August 1968, pp.163-164
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on march by people inc VSC and anarchists in solidarity with French students, from Conway Hall to French embassy on 19 May 1968
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on participation of foreigners in demos, in aftermath of March 1968 Vietnam War demo
Riby Wilson
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for March 1968 Vietnam War demo, very detailed
Riby Wilson