Dates active:

Cameron Sinclair was born on 18 July 1930, and was a pupil at the fee-paying Berkhamsted boarding school in Hertfordshire from 1938 until 1948. He joined the Metropolitan Police in 1951, aged 20, and worked in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) before transferring to Special Branch at the rank of inspector. He had two spells in the SDS. He first joined the SDS in July 1968, leaving at the end of the year. He then returned as commanding officer in July 1972. 

Having reached the position of detective chief superintendent, Sinclair retired from the police in the early 1980s, although he carried on working until 1987. He died in 2022.

Part of the original management team of the SDS in 1968 Sinclair, like other very early managers, did some plain-clothes work attending activist meetings. As a manager, Sinclair visited far-right activist Lady Jane Birdwood a month before the planned 27 October 1968 anti-Vietnam war protest, in response to concerns she had expressed about the demonstration turning violent. 

Sinclair was also prepared to take risks with undercover officers’ lives when he approved a risky trip to Northern Ireland for HN297 Richard Clark ‘Rick Gibson’. Clark’s cover identity was blown just a year later.

Having left the SDS in mid-1969, Sinclair returned to the squad as its senior officer in July 1971. The Inquiry criticised Sinclair, along with four other Special Branch managers, for approving the continuation of the SDS after a review in 1976. 

The Inquiry did not compel Sinclair to give evidence due to his ill health. Therefore, the only evidence about Sinclair the Inquiry has published comes from the documents he authored or signed, and brief mentions of him in other officers’ evidence.

In the SDS

Cameron Sinclair was born on 18 July 1930. From 1938 to 1948, he attended the fee-paying Berkhamsted boarding school in Hertfordshire, near where his father was stationed in the RAF.  After National Service, he joined the Metropolitan Police in 1951, aged 20. He transferred to Special Branch from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the rank of inspector and joined the SDS in July 1968. 

Sinclair occupied a management role in the SDS from its inception on 31 July 1968 until December 1968 along with three other detective inspectors. His exact role is not entirely clear – he seems to have had a variety of duties. 

HN3093 Roy Creamer , a back-office detective sergeant in the first days of the SDS, is one of just two police witnesses to recall him, saying that although Sinclair was part of the management team he was ‘half in a group and half in the office’. Creamer added that he was a ‘strong leader but pleasant enough’. 

The Inquiry stated that there was no record of a cover name for Sinclair, although a member of his family said he came close to having his real identity compromised while deployed, suggesting he did use an undercover identity. He went to several meetings of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC)  and Poster Workshop , which are discussed in the Target Groups section. 

Visit to Lady Jane Birdwood

The SDS was seemingly set up to monitor the ‘New Left’ and did not deploy any officers into far-right groups between 1968 and 1982. Inquiry Chair John Mitting’s Interim Report  nonetheless concluded there was no political bias in the unit’s activities. 

A unique report authored by Sinclair reveals the differences in the SDS’ attitude towards the far right compared to left-wing groups. 

It is a very unusual part of the Inquiry disclosure as, rather than reporting on a meeting or demonstration, it is an account of a visit to leading anti-Semite Lady Jane Birdwood in response to her contacting the Metropolitan Police.  

Birdwood was a prominent figure on the British far right. Her trajectory within the overtly racist right wing of British politics began in 1962. 

Later, Birdwood was part of several far-right groups, including the National Front.  She has been described as the ‘largest individual distributor of racist and antisemitic material in Britain’ , including notorious blood libel The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and was later prosecuted several times. She was also involved in several anti-trade union and anti-communist groups.

Sinclair and Detective Inspector PN1748 Riby Wilson  visited Birdwood on the orders of Chief Superintendent HN2857 Arthur Cunningham  in response to concerns that Birdwood had expressed to the Metropolitan Police about potential violence at the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign’s forthcoming 27 October demonstration. 

In his report, Sinclair described Birdwood as ‘politically well-informed’, a neutral assessment that contrasts with the SDS’ often mocking and derogatory descriptions of the political views of the left-wing activists they spied upon. 

The reason Birdwood merited such a visit could have been her title and wealth; the report mentions Birdwood met the two officers ‘in the middle of the lawn’ of one of her late husband’s family’s stately homes. Other commentators have mentioned the visit exemplifying the unit’s bias against left-wing activists and towards the right.

Part of the moral panic around the planned October 1968 demonstration  was that it would be taken over by foreign militants. 

During the mobilisation for the demonstration, a campsite at Crystal Palace in south-east London was set up for visiting protesters. Sinclair sent a police constable to check the campsite for ‘foreign students’, who reported back by telegram that none were staying there.

Target Groups

Target Groups

Sinclair was one of nine SDS officers who attended the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC) October 27th Ad Hoc Committee; a public meeting on 17 September 1968. He attended other VSC meetings alongside his boss HN325 Conrad Dixon  and HN329 ‘John Graham’.  

Attendance at these meetings does not necessarily prove that Sinclair was using a cover identity; he may have just attended in plain clothes. The only meeting recorded in Inquiry disclosure that Sinclair attended alone was of the Camden branch of the VSC  on 29 November 1968. 

Poster Workshop

A document authored by SDS boss Detective Chief Inspector HN325 Conrad Dixon, reflecting on the first four months of the SDS, lists Sinclair’s responsibility as reporting on the Poster Workshop.  This was a printing collective based in Camden, London that created publicity material for campaigners.

There are a few mentions of the Poster Workshop in the Inquiry disclosure but only in reports on other groups, suggesting the group was not specifically targeted. 

The posters that the collective produced intersected with many of the groups that were spied upon, for instance promoting the occupation of London School of Economics on October 27 1968.  

Poster Workhop
Poster Workshop. Licensed under Creative Commons.

For that reason, monitoring the Poster Workshop’s premises would have been helpful to the SDS, although aside from Dixon stating that Sinclair had responsibility for monitoring the collective, there is no other evidence that it was a major target for the SDS, see Penetration of Extremist Groups.

Occupy LSE
Poster Workshop. Licensed under Creative Commons.



Head of SDS 1971-1972

Cameron Sinclair succeeded HN1251 Phil Saunders  as head of the SDS in July 1971.  HN103 David Smith , a back-office sergeant for the SDS between 1970 and 1974, described Sinclair as ‘uncomplicated and straightforward; he was also enthusiastic and energetic’.

During his time as head of the SDS, Sinclair made several questionable decisions about undercover deployments that showed a disregard for civil liberties and for the risk to his own officers. 

Robertson and Lynch

During his deployment, HN45 ‘Dave Robertson’  was invited to take over running Maoist bookshop, Banner Books, by its owner GV Bijur, who Robertson had befriended. 

In a memorandum to the Commander of Special Branch, dated 7 February 1972, Sinclair strongly recommended that Robertson be allowed to take this position for several reasons, perhaps most controversially, to acquire keys to the buildings, so that a copy could be taken. However, Robertson denied that he took the position in the end.

This seems to suggest that copying of keys was normal practice, as there is a further example involving HN336 ‘Dick Epps’ , to allow MI5 to gain entry to the International Marxist Group’s office.  

HN68 ‘Sean Lynch’  was deployed undercover from 1968 to 1974, infiltrating numerous groups including Sinn Féin.  In Inquiry Chair John Mitting’s Tranche One Interim Report, Lynch’s infiltration was one of only three deployments he thought justifiable.  

Sinclair himself judged that Lynch’s infiltration of Sinn Féin was ‘among the SDS’s most significant achievements’.  However, there are significant controversies in this deployment as Lynch took formal positions within the groups and clearly influenced decision making.

SDS managers and undercovers often asserted that recruiting married officers meant they were less likely to have welfare issues and would be less tempted to enter into sexual relationships.  This theory has been definitively proved wrong by the number of deceitful sexual relationships involving married SDS officers while they were undercover.

In the 1971 SDS Annual Report, however, Sinclair stated the opposite view, writing: ‘The high proportion of single officers has helped to reduce the inherent social problems encountered by this type of work.’  

Why Sinclair deviated from the commonly expressed view that married men were a safer bet is not known.

Later, when Sinclair was in charge of S Squad , he recommended two officers for the SDS who went on to deceive women they were spying on into sexual relationships. HN297 Richard Clark ‘Rick Gibson’  had at least three sexual relationships under his cover name, including with Inquiry core participant ‘Mary’.

HN300 ‘Jim Pickford’  was also deployed during Sinclair’s time as head of S Squad and had at least one sexual relationship in his cover identity, despite being married. Uniquely, Pickford went on to marry this activist and had a child with her, though they later divorced.

Post-SDS Career

At the end of 1974, Sinclair was promoted to the rank of detective chief superintendent, the most senior officer in Special Branch’s S Squad , which oversaw the SDS. He seems to have had significant input into the running of the SDS during his time as chief superintendent, which lasted until 1978.

One of his duties was recommending officers from other Special Branch squads to the SDS. A memo from Sinclair said that HN297 Richard Clark ‘Rick Gibson’  had served time in the back office of the SDS and was ready to be deployed. Clark infiltrated the Troops Out Movement (TOM) , where he had at least three sexual relationships with activists he was spying on.

In 1975, Clark was invited to go to Belfast with TOM, possibly to meet members of the Provisional IRA. Despite the apparent risk that Gibson would have faced, had his true identity been exposed in that situation, Sinclair said it was a ‘good idea for DC Clark to visit Northern Ireland’.

Sinclair reasoned that this could get the SDS access to Irish Republican strongholds within the six counties. He was overruled by senior officers, who blocked the trip as a potential risk to Clark’s life. 

Events a year later confirmed Sinclair’s poor judgement when Gibson had to end his deployment because members of another group he was infiltrating, Big Flame , discovered he was using a false identity. 

Sinclair identified another likely candidate for the SDS, HN13 ‘Barry Loader’ , who was later involved in a miscarriage of justice. Sinclair also discussed the recruitment of HN296 ‘Geoff Wallace’  and HN351 ‘Jeff Slater’  to the SDS. 

As chief superintendent, Sinclair permitted HN298 ‘Michael Scott’  to attend a residential course at the Workers Revolutionary Party’s training centre in Derbyshire, known alternatively as White Meadows or The Red House, in September 1975. 

However, before Scott acted on this permission, the police raided the premises on orders from MI5. Because of this, permission for Scott to attend the course was rescinded. However, before this new advice could be communicated to Scott, he accepted an invitation to attend a course in February 1976 and reported on the party’s reaction to the raid.    

1976 Review of the SDS

In 1976 Special Branch Commander HN585 Mathew Rodger  set up an internal review to consider the future of the SDS.  The review group members were Sinclair, chief superintendents HN1254 Rollo Watts and HN3990 Riby Wilson and detective chief inspectors HN819 Derek Kneale  and HN34 Geoff Craft.

All the reviewers except Rollo Watts had served in the SDS and therefore had a vested interest in concluding that it had value. Despite assessing that the threat of public disorder had diminished since 1968, they determined that the unit should carry on. 

In one of the most critical comments contained in his Interim Report, Inquiry Chair John Mitting wrote of the 1976 review: ‘It is hard to see how any conclusion could legitimately have been reached which would not have resulted in the closure of the SDS.’


Cameron Sinclair retired from the Metropolitan Police in 1980. When Sinclair died in 2022, his obituary stated that he had gone on to work as a ‘government officer’ in central London until 1987.

In the Inquiry

In May 2018, Mitting ruled that he would restrict Sinclair’s real name due to his ill health. However, on 26 October 2022, due to Sinclair’s death, Mitting revoked the restriction despite Sinclair’s family's objections that Sinclair’s reputation would be damaged posthumously, as this fell short of causing harm to any living person.

All procedual material can be found under the Documents tab.


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 17 May 2022


Minutes of informal conference of Special Branch and MI5, held at 70 Grosvenor Street on 17 Aug 1979, inc cover letter for copy sent to Cmdr John Wilson (SB)
Cameron Sinclair
Correspondence on invitation from MI5 to a party to thank Special Branch officers, held at Curzon St House on 22 Feb 1978
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of S London Workers' League on 'transitional politics and Trotsky’s transitional programme of 1938', held at redacted venue on 26 April 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting a copy of SWP Bulletin No. 1, Feb 1977 (attached)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Finsbury Park SWP inc talk on 'Black music and the origins of modern popular music', held at 265a Seven Sisters Rd on 6 April 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on election campaign aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 21 April 1977, inc leaflets (not attached)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the East London Libertarians discussing Marxist economic theory, held at redacted venue on 30 March 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an IMG member joining the Bromley Labour Party Young Socialists for the purposes of entryism
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical, vehicle, employment and union details of a member of SE London IMG and Greenwich NUT
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal physical, dietary and musical details of a member of East London Libertarians who is looking for premises for ELL's proposed bookshop/cafe
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc discussion of unrest at Fords Dagenham and in the wider motor industry, held at Barking Polytechnic on 2 March 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation and employment details of a new member of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Southern Africa Solidarity Campaign supported by H'smith and Kensington SWP, held at Cryptic One Club, Holy Trinity Church, Bishops Bridge Rd W2 on 3 Mar 1977, inc leaflet 'Denounce racist murder of Emmanual Alombah' (attached)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a confrontation between West London SWP members and National Front marchers in at Watford Gap services and again at NF demo in Birmingham, on 26 Feb 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Note for File on the Second Informal Conference between representatives of Special Branch and MI5, held at Curzon St House on 8 Feb 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an anti-racist caucus of SE London International Marxist Group (3 people inc spycop) discussing the Deptford Anti-Racist Campaign, held at redacted venue on 11 Feb 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing local finances and London perspectives for the coming months, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Feb 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the International Marxist Group party name of Piers Corbyn
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report providing the party name of the organiser of South London International Marxist Group
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal family, accommodation and vehicle details of a member of the Islington Teachers branch and North London District Committee of the SWP
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on campaigns organised by N London District SWP - hospital closure, anti-jubilee and Islington 18 Defence
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a picket planned by N London District SWP and N London Women's Voice at the surgery Michael O'Halloran MP who voted to amend the Abortion Act, to be held at the corner of Holloway Rd and Pemberton Gdns N19 on 11 March 1977
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of the SWP is also an executive committee member of Campaign Against Racism in the Media
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the publication ‘Freedom’ - practical details, how it's organised and outlining its political position within anarchism
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal bank account details of a member of SE London International Marxist Group
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Rollo Watts to Commander Ops on findings of working party review of the SDS
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from Rodger to Ch. Supt. 'S' Squad requesting set up of group to assess the continuing need for SDS, breadth of coverage and dissemination of intelligence
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet containing correspondence between various managers, including the Commander and DAC, discussing HN298's reporting on the WRP course in Derbyshire
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet of correspondence between HN332, Commander Ops and DAC discussing a potential trip by HN297 DC Clark to Northern Ireland
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN332 to Ch Supts of S and A Squads on movement between squads of HN296 Geoff Wallace and HN332 Jeff Slater
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on AWA National Conference, held in Percy Gee building Leicester Uni on 4/5 May 1975
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet on the continuation of the SDS from 1975 to 1978, discussions between SDS and ACC
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Note by HN332 on creation of documented history of the original ’Hairies'
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the first conference of Workers Revolutionary Party (v detailed, HN303 highly familiar with internal workings), held at the Town Hall, Battersea SW11 on 15-17 Dec 1974
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo from HN332 to Commander Ops proposing HN297 and HN13 as new SDS recruits
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of Anti-Internment League discussing 'The Next Stop' (Bob Purdie's propositions for future AIL activity), held at at Metropolitan Pub, Farringdon Rd WC1 on 20 Feb 1973
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on W London Anti-Internment Leage meeting, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 5 Feb 1973
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of South London Anti-Internment League (3 people in HN301) which decided to disband the branch, held at the Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec on 5 Feb 1973
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the inaugural meeting of the Irish Civil Rights Association (London), Belgrave Road, SW1, 26 January 1973
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Central London AIL regarding preparations for a ‘Bloody Sunday’ march to end at Camden Town Hall, held at General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd N1 on 26 Jan 1973, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of the Anti-Internment League, held at the Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec on 15 Jan 1973
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of S London Anti-Internment League, held at Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec, 11 Dec1972, and Memo on plan for public meeting in Wandsworth Arndale Centre, 16 Dec 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegate meeting of Anti-Internment League discussing upcoming taoiseach visit to UK, held at Metropolitan Tavern, Farringdon Rd, 21 Nov 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of S London Anti-Internment League held at Wheatsheaf pub, Tooting Bec, 23 Oct 1972, planning for a march on 12 Nov 1972, plus a Met phone message of on plans to publicise the march, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute Sheet for report on RF 400/72/187 signed by HN332
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report inc info on IMG join-up with Anti-Internment League and forthcoming meetings, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on first official meeting since the amalgamation of the Anti-Internment League and the Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at General Picton pub, Caledonian Rd on 22 Sep 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the role of Gery Lawless in the future of the Anti-Internment League and Irish Solidarity Campaign
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Fulham and Hammersmith branch of the Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 4 Sep 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an individual who has regularly attended meetings of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a regular raffle by Terence McSwiney cumann of Provisional Sinn Fein, held at the Hop Poles pub, Hammersmith W6 on Saturdays, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of ‘Terence McSwiney’ Cumann of Sinn Fein (Provisionals), held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 19 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning delegate conference of Anti-Internment League, held at Workers Music Association, Westbourne Park Rd, 16 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Fulham Branch of Anti-Internment League, held at Westcott Lodge pub, 7 July 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report of meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign featuring a talk by a member of the International Socialists on the IS Policy on Ireland’, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 18 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on vehicle registration details of the car used by Peter Hain which belongs to his mother
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Revolutionary Women’s Union (same report twice), held at redacted venue on 20 Feb 1972, inc 3 page regination letter from redacted member
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front at which the group’s name is changed to the Revolutionary Women’s Union, held at redacted private home on 17 Feb 1972, inc new Constitution and AGM minutes
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on person at Rhodesian Emergency Campaign Committee meeting expressing interest in volunteering for the Anti-Apartheid Movement
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Irish Solidarity Campaign inc talk on ’Two Nations Theory’, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 11 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Women’s Liberation Front at which it changed its name to Revolutionary Women's Union, held at redacted private home on 9 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on general members’ meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front featuring heated exchanges, held at redacted private home on 10 Feb 1972, inc 8 page letter from the Union of Women for Liberation replying to WLF open letter
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an Irish Solidarity Campaign meeting, held at the IMG Centre, Pentonville Rd on 10 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on activities and membership of the Marxist-Leninist Workers Association
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Putney Young Liberals reviewing National Council meeting, held at 90 Fawe Park Road SW15 on 3 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a weekly meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front, Metropolitan Police Special Branch, held at redacted private home on 3 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the AGM of the Women’s Liberation Front, held at Workers Music Assoc. Hall, 236 Westbourne Park Rd W11 on 6 Feb 1972, inc 10 pages of WLF docs (Secretary’s report and Constitution)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Memo on possibility of HN45 Dave Robertson running Banner Books & Crafts left-wing shop
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming meeting of International Socialists to discuss IS intervention at upcoming Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions conference to be held on 12 Feb 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of National Council of Young Liberals and its two-day agenda, held at Midland Hotel, Leicester on 29-30 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the submission by Peter Hain and Graham Tope of a report on ‘The Irish Crisis’ to the National Council of Young Liberals
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front, held at redacted private home on 27 Jan 1972 
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on political meetings by various groups to discuss the students’ demo against proposed government control of Student Union finances to be held on 23 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on ’Women in Higher Education’ conference organised by the NUS on behalf of women’s liberation groups, held at UoL 20 Gordon Street WC1 on 22 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Socialists’ draft declaration on the Industrial Relations Act in preparation for industrial conference in Manchester, inc a copy
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill Spartacus League, held at Piers Corbyn's home, 17A Rendle Street W11 on 19 Jan 1972, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on plans for a petition to be presented by the Anti-Apartheid Movement to the British Government on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 21 Mar 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the appointment of press officers for the Anti-Internment League at a meeting on 11 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the appointment of a full-time organiser for the Anti-Internment League, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting draft programme and a political perspectives document for the International Socialists 1972 Annual Conference
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Putney Young Liberals which accepted a motion on a forthcoming environmental conference, held at the parental home of Peter Hain on 13 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Socialists’ recommendation that branches should oppose the Tory Fair Rents Plan
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of North London Red Circle inc talk on Chile, held at General Picton pub, Killick St N1 on 13 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on International Socialists' intentions of forming more branches
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Putney Young Liberals at the parental home of Peter Hain on 6 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle featuring a talk about Women in Trade Unions, held at the General Picton pub, Killick St N1 on 4 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming protest by the Anti-Apartheid Movement in solidarity with the Avambo tribe, to be held outside South Africa House on 15 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on forthcoming rally and march by East London Anti-Internment League, to start at Stoke Newington Common on 15 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that International Socialists are to hold an industrial conference in Manchester on 30 Jan 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of someone who donated £1,000 to the Anti-Internment League
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front discussing internal matters inc barring men from holding office, held at redacted venue on 30 Dec 1971, inc draft constitution
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Region of the Women’s National Coordinating Committee, held at Hole in the Wall pub, NW5 on 15 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein (Provisionals), held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 15 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
SDS Annual Report 1971, inc letter to Home Office seeking authorisation to continue
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc an ‘educational’ on ‘Republicanism and Marxism’, held at the General Picton pub, Killick St on 10 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein, chaired by HN68, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 9 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Croydon International Socialists, held at Ruskin House on 9 Dec 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front discussing relations with other women's groups and support for someone on remand over Angry Brigade bombings, held at redacted venue on 4 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a talk given by Dr Joshua Hall on behalf of the Society of Anglo Chinese Understanding, held at Holborn library WC1 on 9 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Notting Hill Black Defence Committee on ‘Rhodesia and the racist struggle in Britain’, held at Workers Music Association Rooms, 236 Westbourne Park Rd W11 on 9 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the London Region Comhairle Ceantair of Sinn Fein, venue redacted, 2 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Women’s Liberation Front inc talk on member's visit to China, held at redacted venue on 2 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on branch meeting of Croydon International Socialists electing delegates for Special Conference on Trotskyist Tendency, held at Ruskin House on 2 Dec 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on recent elections to the National Committee of International Socialists, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of North London Red Circle including an ‘educational’ on Ireland, held at the General Picton pub, Killick St on 30 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Central London Irish Solidarity Campaign inc update and discussion on the Anti-Internment League, held at General Picton pub, Killick St N1 on 26 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting by Croydon International Socialists on 'Politics of Poverty', held at Ruskin House on 24 Nov 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front weekly meeting inc discussion of nursery provision, held at redacted venue on 25 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on AGM of Comhairle Ceantair (District Committee) of the London Region of Sinn Fein (Provisionals), venue redacted, 25 Nov 1971, inc Sean Lynch elected finance officer
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a Special Conference of International Socialists on split with Trotskyist Tendency (Workers Fight) is to be held in Birmingham on 4 Dec 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front weekly meeting inc talk by Leila Hassan of the Black Unity and Freedom Party on the oppression of Black women, held at redacted private home on 23 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on AGM of Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 19 Nov 1971 inc election of Sean Lynch as Chair
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a branch meeting of Croydon International Socialists with demands for expulsion of non attendees, held at redacted venue on 18 Nov 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning members of International Socialists wanting to organise within the Clerical and Administrative Workers Union
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the working committee of the VSC deciding to be subsumed into IMG, held at George VI pub, Pentonville Road on 16 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on attempts by a member of the London Alliance in Defence of Workers Rights to organise a picket of Tottenham Magistrates' Court where three members are on trial
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting held by Croydon International Socialists with Duncan Hallas speaking, held at Ruskin House, Coombe Road, Croydon on 11 November 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting held by the Anti-Apartheid Movement to discuss protesting at South Africa House, held at redacted person's home on 8 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the AGM of the South London Cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 11 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith Northern Irish Civil Rights Association, held at Westcott Lodge, Lower Hall W6 on 12 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting of the Spartacus League and IMG discussing Marxist theory, held on 7 Nov 1971 at redacted private address, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of London ISC inc Gery Lawless on ’What we must do in the near future’, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 5 Noc 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the AGM of NICRA London region, held on 8 Nov 1971 at the Irish Club, Eaton Square SW1, inc docs on income and expenditure (attached)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an individual joining Croydon International Socialists
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a member of International Socialists moving from Kingston to Lambeth branch
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Women’s Liberation Front inc discussion of Pauline Jones case, held at redacted private home on 4 Nov 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of London branch of Irish Solidarity Campaign, held at General Picton pub, Killick St on 22 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the weekly meeting of the Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 20 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the working committee of the VSC planning 6 Nov demo, held at George IV pub, Pentonville Road on 19 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the International Marxist Group's Red Defence Force
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Annual Autumn Rally held by the International Socialists, held at Derbyshire Miners Holiday Camp in Skegness on 16-17 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Lambeth Branch of IS, held at Tulse Hill Tavern SW2 on 13 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Women’s Liberation Front discussing their 'Women's Liberation' newspaper, held at redacted venue on 6 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on political history and affiliations of a couple who used to attend Hammersmith NICRA meetings but now go to Highgate NICRA
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report covering a meeting of the London Branch of the ISC, General Killick Pub, N1
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on sit-in at Irish Club, Eaton Square by members of London Sinn Fein (Provisionals) and some supporters of the ‘Anti-Internment League’, 10 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Lambeth Branch of IS discussing upcoming Skegness annnual rally, held at redacted venue on 8 Oct 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the NICRA Executive Committee's view on the collapse of the Hammersmith branch and expulsion of members
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front meeting inc discussion of WLF newspaper and a paper to be presented at the Women's National Conference in Skegness, held at redacted venue on 6 Oct 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of an exiled Philippine artist assisting with the Women’s Liberation Front magazine
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report enclosing a specimen of the handwriting of acting secretary of the Women's Liberation Front (attached)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Women’s Liberation Front discussing a paper to be submitted to upcoming Women’s National Co-ordinating Committee conference, held at redacted venue on 29 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on unremarkable meeting of the Lambeth Branch of IS, venue redacted, on 24 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting held by the Black Defence Committee inc talk on Angela Davis by Michael Seifert, held at the George IV pub, Pentonville Rd N1 on 24 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 23 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of SW London Action Committee Against Racism, held at Christian Service Centre, 15 Alan Rd SW1 on 23 Sept 71 
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women’s Liberation Front meeting, held at redacted private home on 22 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the public employees cell of the Lambeth Branch of IS, held at the Plough pub, Clapham Common SW4 on 20 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Hammersmith Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 17 Sept 1972
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a leaflet handed out at an IMG meeting at Conway Hall on 19 Sept 1971 confirming 2 organisations oppose internment in Northern Ireland (Anti Internment Leage and the Labour Committee Against Internment), inc a copy
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Terence McSwiney cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 15 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Lambeth International Socialists inc talk on the US 'dollar crisis' by John Palmer, held at Tulse Hill Tavern SW2 on 15 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Black Defence Committee meeting with talk by Black South African student Carl Brecker, held at George IV pub, Pentonville Road N1 on 10 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Women's Liberation Front committee meeting that suspended Langford and Manchanda, held at Coop Hall, Seven Sisters Rd N4 on 12 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on members of London Sinn Fein overheard saying they'd received instructions from Dublin, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of SW London Action Committee Against Racism, held at redacted address on 10 Sept 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Terence McSwiney Cumann of London Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 8 Sept 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the Terence McSwiney Cumann of Sinn Fein, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6, 7 July 1971
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details and recent activities of individual members of the INLSF, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report noting copies of the Sinn Fein ‘Constitution and Rules’ have been received from Dublin, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front, held at 83A Golders Green Rd NW2 on 2 May 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Minute sheet on whoever has RF 400/70/153, signed by TN0035
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of International Marxist Group and Vietnam Solidarity Campaign inc discussion of upcoming 24 April demo, held at Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Rd NW1 on 16 April 71
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting held by the INLSF inc Ed Davoren reporting on visit to Chinese Legation, held at redacted address on 4 April 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details and political involvements of a member of the INLSF, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting of the INLSF, held on at the Marquis of Clanricarde pub W2 on 20 Jan 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a private meeting of the INLSF including a talk on ’Education of the Proletariat After the Revolution’, held at the Marquis of Clanricarde pub, Sussex Gardens W2 on 10 Jan 1971, inc minute sheet
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal family, accommodation, employment and other details of a member of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association
Cameron Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at Friends Meeting House on 11 July 1969
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private weekly meeting of Camden VSC inc appraisal of the 'Liberation Tour' demos, held at Laurel Tree pub, Bayham Street NW1 on 2 July 1969
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Press cutting and 20 Dec 1968 event at Conway Hall 8th anniversary of NLF, 21 December 1968, pp.244
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Press cutting about NLF event in Paris, 21 December 1968, pp.245
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private meeting of Camden VSC, held at Co-operative Hall, Kentish Town Road NW5 on 27 Nov 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
'Penetration of Extremist Groups', Dixon on SDS achievements and future structure and strategy,
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Hampstead VSC street meeting, 2 November 1968, pp.211-212
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram saying VSC NW London held a discussion in Kilburn, 2 November 1968, pp.213
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Hampstead VSC meeting, 30 October 1968, pp.201-202
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Service
Telegram saying Crystal Palace Camping Site checked ahead of Vietnam demo and no foreign students were present
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Met Police Telegram from HN332 on International Socialists' plans for Oct 1968 Vietnam War demo
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Telegram on Blackfirars cold storage depot being a possible target of the 27 Oct VSC demo
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the NW London branch of the VSC 27 October Ad Hoc Committee, held at at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 16 Oct 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee planning Oct 27 demo and other events, held at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 9 Oct 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee planning Oct 27 demo and other events, held at Friends Meeting House NW3 on 9 Oct 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of VSC NW London ad-hoc Committee, 2 October 1968, pp.116-118
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Meeting report of VSC NW London VSC Ad Hoc Ctee, Hampstead, pp.124-125
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Meeting report NW VSC London Ad Hoc Ctee, 18 September 1968, pp.56-57
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of the NW London Ad Hoc Committee of the VSC planning the October 27 demo, held at Friends Meeting House on 18 Sept 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the VSC 27 October Ad Hoc Committee, 'Why do we demonstrate?', held at unspecified location on 17 Sept 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an anticipated public meeting of Kilburn VSC that did not take place, due to be held on Portobello Rd on 14 Sept 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a phone message from the crime collator at Wanstead about stolen timers and copper drums in case they could be used to make bombs for the upcoming Oct 27 Vietnam war demo
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of NW London VSC Ad Hoc Committee on the October demonstration, held at Friends Meeting House, Heath Street NW3 on 11 Sept 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting between HN332, Riby Wilson and Lady Jane Birdwood concerning the upcoming VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’, held at Birdwood's home on 5 Sept 1968
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of the National Executive of Young Liberals is secretly working for International Socialists and trying to get YL to support the VSC ‘Autumn Offensive’ demo on Oct 27
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Entire file on Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (Aug 1968-Jan 1969)
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Reports on planned disruption of meeting of dockers at Smithfield Meat Market, 21 July 1968, p.103-106
Cameron Sinclair
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Gist of MPS Record of Service for Cameron Sinclair, 1951-1980s
Cameron Sinclair


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Order revoking the anonymity restriction order
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Revocation of restriction order over real name (Ruling 22)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Anonymity restriction order (revoked)
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Ruling 7)
Press Notice: Rulings on SDS anonymity applications
Press Notice
NSCPs – May 2018 submissions on restriction order applications of various SDS officers
Operational note for hearing of 9 May 2018
Operational Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Gist of Additional Information supplied in a closed schedule to the open application
Additional information
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Gist of GP letter provided to the UCPI
Medical report
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications for hearing of 9 May 2018 (Direction 28)
Press Notice: Documents for hearing on 9 May 2018
Press Notice
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 5
Explanatory note
SDS officers – List of documents published on 17 April 2018 for hearing on 21 March 2018
Hearing bundle index
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 4
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (January 2018 update)
Explanatory note
SDS officers – Directions on restriction order applications (Direction 20)
SDS officers – Restriction Orders (Minded-To Note 2)
Minded-To Note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (November 2017 update)
Explanatory note
Press Notice: Second ‘Minded-To Note on SDS anonymity applications
Press Notice
Directions on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and SDS restriction order applictions (Direction 16)
Anonymity, Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Open application for restriction order
HN332 Cameron Sinclair – Impact Statement (made by daughter)
Impact Statement
Extension of time for service of anonymity applications by the MPS in respect of the SDS (Direction 12)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach


Hugh Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair - Obituary
Old Berkhamstedian
Nigel Fountain
The Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood
The Guardian