Barry Morris
Dates active:
Dead child identity:

Barry Moss, the undercover HN218 'Barry Morris', was born in 1945. He joined the Metropolitan Police in 1964 and started working in Special Branch as a detective constable in January 1968, covering the Communist Party of Great Britain and other left-wing groups in the Barnet and south Hertfordshire area. 

Part of the original cohort recruited into the SDS by HN325 Conrad Dixon in July 1968, he infiltrated the October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam and spied on other Maoist groups associated with Abhimanyu Manchanda. He also spied on the Earl's Court and Notting Hill branches of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign.

Moss says he was the first SDS officer to leave the newly formed unit, departing at the end of September 1968 to start an accelerated-promotion course at Bramshill police training college. After completing this, he spent years in various Metropolitan Police Special Branch squads and CID before returning to take charge of the SDS as a detective chief inspector in 1980. He later rose to become Commander of Special Branch in October 1996, staying in that role until his retirement in 1999.

Unless otherwise indicated, the information below is taken from the Moss' first witness statement to the Undercover Policing Inquiry.  It covers Moss' period as an undercover officer with the SDS in August and September 1968. 

Information about his return to SDS as its operational head in 1980 will be added at a later date, along with discussion of the accusation by former undercover-turned-whistleblower HN43 Peter Francis' that Moss instructed him, when he was Commander of Special Branch, to withhold information from the Macpherson Inquiry.

Pre-SDS career

Moss joined the Metropolitan Police in 1964 and Special Branch in January 1968. He was tasked with reporting on meetings and collecting information on activists in the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and other left-wing political organisations in Barnet and south Hertfordshire, most likely for C Squad  and, when requested, MI5. He did this by attending meetings in plain clothes and using false names, but he did not join the groups he was spying on. 

The Inquiry has released 15 reports on meetings attended by Moss between 6 August and 23 September 1968 covering several anti-Vietnam war groups. Those dated between 6 August and 4 September read more like conventional Special Branch surveillance reports than ones written by an officer operating undercover; it is possible they predate Moss' time with SDS or that he started off surveilling anti-Vietnam war groups rather than infiltrating them until he encountered leading Maoist activist Abhimanyu Manchanda and found his mark.

In the Special Demonstration Squad

As Moss was a very early recruit to the SDS, during his initial time in the unit its offices were still based in Scotland Yard, though there was also 'a discreet office in West London' where undercovers and managers could meet. He guesses he went to Scotland Yard in his real identity each morning and attended meetings of his target group undercover in the evenings and weekends. 'I spent a few hours every week with my targets. There wasn't much happening during the week, most of the activists had jobs.'  

Work at Scotland Yard included researching his target activists and groups by looking up their Special Branch registry files, attending meetings, typing up reports and discussing with HN325 Conrad Dixon  and HN1251 Phil Saunders what he was observing while undercover.

Explaining the major difference between working in SDS and one of the other Special Branch squads, Moss said he had more choice over his work and did not have to be available for routine Special Branch tasking. 

'In normal Special Branch work you were given tasks with specific enquiries: you were handed a file with a task in it and you were required to complete the task in a reasonable timescale,' Moss explained. 'You were also told to attend public meetings. Additionally, you would have to undertake "reserve duty", where you manned the phones in Special Branch, answered enquiries and undertook searches. In contrast, whilst on the S[D]S you had a lot more freedom.'

Like other early SDS officers, Moss said the management structure of the SDS was fluid, but Dixon was unmistakably the boss. 'Conrad Dixon managed the SDS by force of character and in a "hands-on" manner. He was larger than life physically, mentally and had real charisma', Moss wrote in his witness statement. 'If he as a Chief Inspector told you to do something, you did it.' 

Dixon and Saunders were unusual as managers in that they took part in plain-clothes work spying on activists, rather than just staying in the office. Although they were 'appreciative' bosses, according to Moss, 'if one of us had strayed they would have put us straight'.

Moss denies any knowledge of his colleagues 'straying' during his two months with the SDS in 1968 and says he did not have sex with target activists while undercover, assume any positions of trust within the groups he was spying on, take part in, witness or incite any criminal acts, give evidence in court under a false name, spy on elected politicians or hear any legally privileged information. The intelligence he gathered was not used in any criminal prosecutions.

Being assigned to the SDS had no effect on his pay – Moss said detectives received a flat-rate allowance for doing out-of-hours work and so would not have been offered additional overtime pay for SDS duties.

Moss gave some useful information about the wording of SDS reports, explaining that when they indicated information had come from an informant, this actually would have come from the officer who wrote the report. 'I didn't use informants on the S[D]S and we used that phrase commonly at that time to refer to ourselves,' he said. 

Presumably writing up reports like this was meant to obscure the fact that there was an undercover officer in the group. Of course SDS undercovers could not use informants, as this would have revealed to the informant their true identity as a police officer. 

An undercover might, however, sometimes indicate their true identity to uniformed colleagues at an event, to direct their attention to certain activists. 'On a rare occasion you might as a Special Branch officer highlight to your uniformed colleagues trouble makers,' Moss explained. 

Public meetings attended and reported on by Moss were often also attended by uniformed police, and sometimes several other SDS officers, including Conrad Dixon. He did not witness any public disorder, violence or subversion while undercover, concluding: 'The group I joined wasn't really trying to overthrow the government, they just wanted a big demonstration.' 

Nonetheless, Moss felt the SDS had done a good job averting public disorder at the October 1968 march and noted that a 'byproduct of that work was identifying the membership of these groups which may have been of use to Special Branch further down the line’. 

Moss did not comment on whether it was ethical or proportionate for Special Branch and, by extension, MI5 to retain intelligence on activists and groups that had shown themselves to be neither a threat to public order nor to democratic government. Moss claims that, as a relative newcomer to Special Branch, his understanding of the relationship between it and MI5 was limited, though he was aware that part of Special Branch's remit was to share information with MI5 to help counter subversion. 

Moss gave evidence in his witness statement that the SDS sent 'a high volume of information' to MI5, though he did not have any personal contact with MI5 during his short deployment.


Moss had spent only a few months in Special Branch before being asked to join the SDS, probably at the start of August 1968.  He says he understood the SDS' role to be limited to intelligence-gathering about the activists and groups involved in planning the 27 October anti-Vietnam war demonstration in London, writing in his witness statement: 'We all believed the SDS was short term.'

Moss was assigned to the SDS and had not applied to join it: 'In those days you did what you were told by people of more senior rank than you.' As he was single at the time, the issue of any potential impact on a partner did not arise and he does not remember whether there was any explanation what the work would involve. Part of the very first cohort of SDS undercovers, Moss recalls:

...being called into a room with Detective Chief Superintendent Arthur Cunningham, along with a dozen or so others, most of us there were newbies... I think that was why we were chosen, as we were less likely to be recognised. At the meeting we were told that we had to go out and get sufficient intelligence on the October 1968 event in order to prevent injury and damage to property. We were then left with DCI Conrad Dixon and DI Phil Saunders.


Prior to seeing documents released by the Inquiry, Moss claims he could not remember his undercover surname, guessing it was either 'Morse' or 'Morris'. He says he did not arrange cover employment or spend any time researching or living in his cover identity before being deployed. In terms of appearance, he dressed the same as he had when working in plain clothes for Special Branch. 

I would go around unshaven and generally looked a bit unkempt,' Moss remembers. 'I would also have worn a leather jacket and had longer hair than usual.

Showing how casually risk was managed in the early days of the SDS, Moss says he used his own car registered in his real name while undercover, even occasionally giving activists lifts in it. He did arrange a cover address, however, as his real home was in special police accommodation. He chose a place in west London but did not stay there.


Moss, like other early SDS undercovers, says there was no formal training or welfare provision. 'The operation was unsophisticated and we thought it was only short term.' He relied on his Special Branch experience to know what information was worth passing on. 'It was the human side you were interested in,' Moss explained. 'For example the individuals associates, rather than the politics generally – unless there was a subversive element to it.'  

He would check activists' names against registry files once back at Scotland Yard. If undercovers had questions about their deployments, they could ask managers Dixon and Saunders for advice. 

Undercovers received no guidance on ethical issues such as forming sexual relationships while undercover, reporting on activists' families and private lives, avoiding inciting or taking part in criminal activity, what to do if arrested while undercover or how to handle legally privileged information. Neither did they ask for nor receive any support for their welfare. 'The culture in 1968 was such that you probably wouldn't have admitted the need for support even if I had needed it,' Moss reflected.

Moss thinks he may have been arrested for either fly-posting or for being drunk and disorderly while undercover but did not give, and was not asked to provide, any details. He also recalls discussion in the SDS office about how fellow undercover HN68 'Sean Lynch'  should handle being arrested, after SDS managers were told he was going to be for fly posting. The consensus, Moss remembers, was that Lynch should accept being arrested and plead guilty at court. 

For more information about this see the profiles of Lynch  and HN3093 Roy Creamer  and entry on Undercover Arrest Policy.  


Target Groups

SDS head HN325 Conrad Dixon  did the tasking, according to Moss, but within this undercovers had latitude to join groups they thought worth reporting on. Moss thinks he joined the Britain Vietnam Solidarity Front (BVSF)  on his own initiative after seeing a meeting advertised on a noticeboard at a polytechnic he says he attended. It is not clear from he evidence whether he meant was studying there in real life or as part of his undercover identity.

Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC)

The first two of Moss' 15 reports released by the Inquiry, dated 6 and 7 August, are about a public meeting of the Notting Hill VSC that the local Harrow Road police station notified Special Branch about earlier in the day. 

As one is marked to be circulated to HN325 Conrad Dixon, it is unlikely to have originated from his newly formed SDS.  The other, information on the identities of the speakers at the meeting, contains the information that Moss has covertly followed them back to someone's house after the meeting, so he cannot have been accepted as a fellow activist at that point or there would have been no need for subterfuge.  

Moss's presence at an 11 August public meeting of the Notting Hill VSC is noted in a report by HN327 Dave Fisher , who was an undercover officer in the SDS at that time. A copy of Black Power organisation, the Universal Coloured People's Association's  (UCPA) publication Black Power Newsletter is included in the report. A UCPA member, Tony Soares, attended meetings of the Notting Hill VSC. 

The report dated 16 August is a digest of the contents of the Lambeth VSC branch's magazine Co-ordinator, which Moss notes he acquired at Speaker's Corner on 11 August 1968.  As Speakers' Corner was a regular haunt for Black Power activists and plain-clothes Special Branch officers monitoring their activity, perhaps Moss was there attempting to gather more information about the distributor of the Black Power Newsletter from the 7 August meeting. 

The 4 September report is an update on Maoist activist Abhimanyu Manchanda's movements, undertaken by covert surveillance , again suggesting that Moss was not yet undercover.

October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam

Moss only recalled spying on Maoist groups, expressing surprise in his witness statement at the reports on other groups signed by him. While he may simply have spied on groups like the Notting Hill VSC, by mid-September he was in a position to infiltrate the Maoist October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam , which was formed at a meeting in a pub in Islington, London on 15 September 1968.  

The Committee was the brainchild of Manchanda and brought together groups that were unhappy with the direction of leadership of the VSC on the planned 27 October 'Autumn Offensive' demonstration. These included, but were not limited to, the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation (RSSF) , the Earl's Court branch of the VSC  and Manchanda's Britain Vietnam Solidarity Front (BVSF).  

In his guise as a Maoist activist, Moss  attended meetings of other groups such as the Joint Committee of Communists on 7 September, at which Manchanda suggested the group should try to take over the Trotskyite RSSF  and the VSC Ad Hoc Committee on 17 September, where Maoists heckled the speakers.  

He attended meetings of Earl's Court VSC on 9 September, where committee members were elected and a motion passed that the branch would disobey the VSC leadership and march to the American embassy on 27 October , on 12 September where the meeting was chaired by exiled Peruvian Maoist political activist Adolfo Olaechea  and on 23 September, where Moss' replacement HN335 Mike Tyrrell  took over reporting duties. 

A 19 September report contains an internal paper on the RSSF written by International Marxist Group (IMG)  and VSC founder Ernie Tate.   As well as attending meetings, Moss said he went to Maoism political discussion groups, banner-making sessions and to the pub with his target group.

At the end of September, with a view to his impending exfiltration, Moss took his planned replacement undercover Mike Tyrrell to the 22 September meeting of the 27th October Committee, where he introduced him as his 'best pal'.  The pair also attended a 23 September public meeting of the Earl's Court VSC, on which Tyrrell wrote a report.  

Moss' last undercover assignment appears to have been a private strategy meeting of the planning committee of the October 27th Committee in an activist's home on 24 September. That he was invited to this meeting suggests Moss had taken a position of influence within the group.

He doesn't recall how he exfiltrated: 'I think I may have made up a family incident which required me to leave London.' He was the first SDS officer to exit the squad, leaving safe in the knowledge that Tyrrell would continue spying on the October 27th Committee in his place.

Post-SDS Career

The Inquiry released four documents relating to Moss' time after his initial SDS posting but before he rejoined the squad in 1980. 

The first is a report from 10 July 1970  on an anti-apartheid activist, written by Moss while in E Squad in response to a request for identification of and information on the activist by a different branch of the Metropolitan Police. Even though Moss' report states that the activist has no criminal record and neither he or any of his associates have previously come to the attention of Special Branch, a cover note shows that Moss' report was still shared with MI5. 

The other three reports  are from 1-2 November 1971 and are SDS reports on meetings of the Lambeth branch of the International Socialists  by HN339 'Stewart Goodman' , signed by Moss as acting chief inspector. This seems to imply that Moss was temporarily back in SDS in November 1971, covering for the squad's usual chief inspector HN332 Cameron Sinclair.  

Reports signed by Sinclair as chief inspector dated 29 October and 8 November have been released by the Inquiry, so if Moss was acting as chief inspector in the SDS it was for a very short space of time. Moss was asked about this by the Inquiry and gave an explanation in his second witness statement  and during his oral evidence on 13 May 2022.  

Identifying handwritten markings on a report cover sheet , Moss stated that they indicated the document was an SDS report that had been passed to C Squad where he was a detective inspector at the time. 'In these cases, I was on C Squad and was receiving SDS reports and deciding on their action and further distribution.'

One of the markings that Moss said showed the reports emanated from the SDS was the code S9090 on the bottom left-hand corner of each report, which he said showed they were documents produced by S Squad, aka the SDS. Presented with the information by Counsel to the Inquiry that S Squad was not set up until 1974, Moss did not change his explanation, so this discrepancy remains.

Moss had a long and illustrious career in the Metropolitan Police, retiring as commander of Special Branch in 1999. After his initial two months as an undercover in the SDS, he returned to lead the squad in 1980 and held other senior management positions in Special Branch, the responsibilities of which included oversight of the SDS.

Moss's first destination after leaving the SDS in September 1968 was Bramshill police college, to start an 'accelerated promotion scheme'. After this he returned to Special Branch, spending time working for all the different squads to gain experience. Promoted to detective inspector, he says he worked on the Irish Squad and ports duty for three years, before leaving Special Branch to work in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). 

Returning to Special Branch as a detective chief inspector in 1980, he was in charge of the SDS for a year from February 1980 before being promoted to the rank of superintendent, with overall responsibility for the SDS and other things. In January 1982, Moss says he was moved to a squad dealing with international terrorism, staying there for three years. He describes the rest of his stellar career:

In 1984 I was promoted to Chief Superintendent and worked in the uniform branch. In 1990 I was promoted to the rank of Commander responsible for the North East of London. In 1991, I returned to Special Branch as one of the two Commanders in the Branch but wasn't responsible for the SDS. In 1995, I became the Commander of Operations in Special Branch whose remit included the SDS amongst many other matters. In October 1996 responsibility for Special Branch was devolved from the Deputy Assistant Commissioner to Commander level and I became the head of Special Branch as a Commander. I retired from the MPS in that role in 1999.

In the Inquiry

All the documents mentioned in this section can be found under the Procedural tab of this profile.

Moss' real and cover names were released in May 2018 as no application for a restriction order was made. He submitted two witness statements; the first, dated 7 January 2019, was published on 12 November 2020 at the same time as a Rule 9 request for a further witness statement. 

This second, much longer, witness statement was submitted on 26 July 2021 and published on the day of his oral testimony to the Inquiry, 13 May 2022. The second statement answered some further questions from the Inquiry and gave detail about his career from from 1980 onwards. Moss was questioned about both of his written statements during his oral testimony.


Hearing Day
Second Witness Statement of HN218 Barry Moss 'Barry Morris'
First Witness Statement of HN218 Barry Morris


Hearing Day
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 13 May 2022
Transcript of UCPI Evidence Hearings: 12 Nov 2020


Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the planning committee of the London Right to Work march with details of route and entertainment, held at SWP Central Office, Reading Lane E8 on 9 Feb 1982
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of NW London SWP District Committee
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on NW London SWP District Committee meeting, held at Lancefield Building, Beethoven St W9 on 18 Nov 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Right to Work march will join the Mass Rally Against Unemployment in Liverpool on 29 Nov 1980, inc 18 pages of SWP leaflets and 3 weekly internal news sheets (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Paddington Campaign Against Racism and Anti-Nazi League a joint meeting to organise counter-demo to British Movement, held at the 510 Centre, Harrow Road W9 on 3 Nov 1980, inc leaflet and letter for demo (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of the Spartacist League in response to MI5 request
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal accommodation, employment and sexual orientation details of a member of Kilburn SWP who is employed by the General Post Office
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a full-time worker for the SWP and Right to Work Campaign organiser in Port Talbot
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Torness Alliance has now disbanded
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Paddington Campaign Against Racism and Fascism to plan countering of a British Movement march from Hyde Park to Paddington on 22 Nov 1980, held at the 510 Centre, 510 Harrow Road W9 on 27 Oct 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming social organised by the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign, to be held at The Enterprise pub, Chalk Farm Road NW1 on 15 Nov 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming 1980 National Delegate Conference of the SWP moving dates and venues, now to be held at the Africa Centre, 38 King Street WC2 on 13-17 Dec 1980, inc leaflets supporting Irish republican prisoners and SWP weekly internal news sheets
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting photo of Julia Poynter at a Waltham Forest Anti-Nuclear Campaign demo (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of John Deason, of the Right to Work Campaign and Central Committee of the SWP, who has got a new car
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a counter-demo against a British Movement march, organised by the Bexley Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and the Anti-Nazi League, held in Welling on 19 Oct 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report discussing the potential alliance between Workers Power and the Irish Workers Party
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Right to Work public meeting hosted by SW London District SWP, held at Battersea Library, Lavender Hill SW11 on 29 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on members of the Anti-Nuclear Campaign lobbying delegates to a TUC conference, held outside Brighton Conference Centre on 1 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing members of the Liaison Committee for the Defence of Trade Unions who attended the TUC Conference, held at Brighton Conference Centre on 1 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency has applied for banking facilities under the name the Albany Dramatic Society
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on annual Socialist Workers Party Easter Rally, held at Derbyshire Miners’ Holiday Centre, Skegness, on 4-7 April 1980, inc 50 page list of attendees (attached, mostly redacted)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on office telephone details of a member of the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in a pickets supporting an industrial dispute at St Benedicts Hospital, Tooting SW17 on various dates 9-19 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an open meeting of Hackney District SWP on the Polish situation, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 11 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that the Anti-Nuclear Campaign has moved offices, and list of current staff
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal domestic and employment details of the treasurer of the Waltham Forest branch of the Anti-Nazi League
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting called by the SWP Central Committee for all London Branch & District Secretaries to stimulate support for demo at Tory Party conference on 10 Oct, to be held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road NW1 on 20 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the arrest of an individual for obstructing police during a Right to Work Campaign demo, held at the Savoy Hotel, Strand WC2 on 10 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a demo held by the Anti-Nuclear Campaign at General Electric Company’s AGM in protest against GEC's potential involvement in the development of Torness Nuclear Power Station, held at the Institute of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place WC2 on 12 S
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the arrest of an SWP member at a protest against the National Front, held at Southgate Town Hall on 8 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the 1980 Right to Work March, Port Talbot to Brighton Sept-Oct 1980, inc organisational contracts and other documents (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing people who registered for the 1979 Right to Work march, held from Liverpool to Blackpool on 1-5 Sept 1979
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a combined paper and leaflet sale of S London District SWP and deterring of attacks by fascists, held in Camberwell on 7 Sept 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report responding to a request from MI5 to identify a member of the SWP
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the founding conference of the Defend Our Unions Campaign organised by the Right to Work Campaign, held at The Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Road W1 on 5 July 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP, held on 30 July 1980 at private house, inc minute sheet
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP and enclosing copy of weekly information sheet, held at a redacted private home on 20 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 19 Aug 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on aggregate meeting of Lea Valley District SWP inc talk on 'United Front Politics', held at Highgate Wood Lower School, Wolesey Road, Hornsey N8 on 27 Aug 1980, inc internal news sheet of 25 Aug 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal medical and employment details of a founding member of the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on SWP's suggested topics and speakers to improve the standard of political education within the Party and its supporters
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Detailed report on Anti-Nuclear Campaign's first AGM, held at Digbeth Civic Hall, Birmingham on 14-15 June 1980, inc leaflets (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a couple who have split up; one a member of the Socialist Workers Party, the other of Walthamstow Women's Voice
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of two women, one a member of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency, the other of the SWP
Barry Moss
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6, inc requests for information both ways, held at MI5 on 22 July 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report the Revolutionary Labour League have merged with former members of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency to form the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency, inc foundational manifesto pamphlet (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on attempts to form a national co-ordinating body to deal with cases of 'state brutality' by police and prison authorities, inc Friends of Blair Peach , Richard 'Cartoon' Campbell and Jimmy Kelly Campaign
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal, educational, political and employment details about a member of the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP enclosing a weekly information sheet, held at redacted private home on 28 May 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 27 May 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report by B Moss and letter allegedly written by HN126's ex-wife to the Commissioner questioning his integrity, inc minute sheet
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the circumstances of NW London District SWP branches, the Engineers Charter and the Anti-Nazi League
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington SWP, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Road E8 on 3 July 1970
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal detials an SWP member who plans to resign his post as NW London full-time organiser and move to Wales
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Greenwich SWP chaired by HN124-HN356 on the subject of Racism and Fascism, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road, Charlton SE7 on 25 June 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a Party Council meeting of the SWP, very detailed, held at Conway Hall on 19 April 1980, inc 9 pages of agenda and docs (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on upcoming demo by Waltham Forest Trades Council and Waltham Forest Trade Union Action Committee as part of TUC 'Day of Action', to be held near the Bakers Arms pub, Stanley Road E10 with march to rally in Selborne Park on 14 May 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of a Blair Peach demo, held in central London on 27 April 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP, HN80 appointed branch treasurer, held at redacted private home on 12 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Socialist Workers Party vigil commemorating Blair Peach listing attendees, held at Stoke Newington Police Station on 23 April 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a former member of the Workers Socialist League no longer believes in Marxism, Leninism or Trotskyism
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on merging of Clapton and Homerton Socialist Worker Party branches into Hackney Central inc list of members
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of NW London SWP titled 'Why the system stinks', held at the White Horse pub, Church Road NW10 on 13 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal political, employment and vehicle details of a woman who is a member of Waltham Forest SWP and various other groups in the area
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on current circumstances of SE London District SWP
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing police stations to be picketed by members of Friends of Blair Peach/ SWP protesting death of Blair Peach on 23 April 1980, inc leaflet for demo on 27 April (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
REport on District Committee meeting of NW London SWP announcing upcoming events inc demo at Harleson police on anniversary of Blair Peach's death and demo at Chix chewing gum factory, held at the Lancefield Building, Beethoven Street W9 on 14 April 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report describing the development of the anti-nuclear movement in the UK in great detail (15 pages)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing attendees of an Irish Social Night held by NW London SWP at the White Horse pub, Church Road, London NW10 on 15 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that NW London SWP has rented premises - Lancefield Building, Beethoven Street W10 - for use as a District Centre
Barry Moss
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to introduce new F6 point of contact and discuss SDS officer progress, held in the Waterloo Despatch pub, Adams Row W1 on 8 April 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a member of SWP has been admitted as an inpatient of a mental hospital
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal and medical details of a member of the Socialist Workers Party who has been released from hospital after a breakdown
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc discussion on the General Strike, held at redacted private home on 6 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 5 Feb 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on weekly meeting of Tottenham SWP inc talk on Afghanistan, held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 29 Jan 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP including a talk on Art and Revolution, held at redacted private home on 20 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 19 Feb 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Tottenham SWP, inc a talk on Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, held at redacted private home on 13 Feb 1980, inc SWP weekly internal news sheet of 12 Feb 1980 (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the regular meeting location of Kilburn Troops Out Movement
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on public meeting of Hackney District Socialist Workers Party to discuss redundancies at local toy manufacturer Lesneys, held at Chats Palace, Brookaby Walk E5 on 27 Feb 1980
Barry Moss
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between the new head of the SDS DCI Moss, DI Butler and F6 to discuss SDS officers, provision of info and future requirements, held at Curzon Street House on 17 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report listing participants in the TUC 'Rally Against the Cuts', held in central London on 9 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party with striking steelworker speaking, held at the Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 6 March 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that members of the Spartacus League and Lenin Faction (recently expelled from Workers Socialist League) have been working together on the steel strike in Sheffield and Sheerness
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Kilburn SWP, held at 14 Saltram Crescent W9 on 20 Feb 1980, inc leaflet for ANL anti-NF demo (attached)
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report that a room was booked for a public meeting of the Workers Socialist League but nobody from the WSL turned up so the meeting did not go ahead, almost held at Lyndhurst Hall, Warden Road NW5 on 21 Feb 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of a member of Kilburn SWP who is also a member of the Cricklewood branch of the ASTMS
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the Workers Socialist League titled 'The Fight for Trotskyism in the Labour Party', held at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road on 6 Feb 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the branch structure and membership of Hackney area Socialist Workers Party, HN96 is on the District Committee
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Stoke Newington Socialist Workers Party inc speaker on 'Bennism' and 'Left Reformism', held at Hackney Trades and Labour Club, Dalston Lane E8 on 31 Jan 1980
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on delegation of steelworkers from Sheffield visiting London workplaces to raise funds for strike, statying with members of SWP and IMG
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on the decline of Clapton Socialist Workers Party inc list of members
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a business meeting of Lambeth International Socialists addressed by Trotskyist Tendency speaker on the split in IS, held at redacted venue on 22 Oct 1971
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on an extraordinary business meeting of Lambeth International Socialists discussing proposed expulsion of Trotskyist Tendency/ Workers Fight, held on 26 Oct 1971 at unknown venue, inc minute sheet
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report concerning conference to dicuss expulsion of the "Trotskyist Tendency" from International Socialists, to be held in Birmingham on 9 Dec 1971
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on supporter of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in response to request from other constabulary, 10 July 1970
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solildarity with Vietnam, held at redacted private address on 24 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solildarity with Vietnam, held at Union Tavern WC2 on 22 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam inc protest leaflet handed out at 'Green Beret' film, held at the Union Tavern WC2 on 22 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at Prince of Wales pub (upstairs room), Old Brompton Road SW5 on 23 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report submitting documents prepared by Ernie Tate on the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a public meeting of the VSC 27 October Ad Hoc Committee, 'Why do we demonstrate?', held at unspecified location on 17 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of the October 27th Committee for Solidarity with Vietnam, held at the Union Tavern WC2 on 15 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on meeting of Earls Court Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at junction of Hogarth Rd and Earls Court Rd SW5 on 12 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a meeting of Earls Court Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, held at redacted address on 9 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a conference of the Joint Committee of Communists held on 'A democratic education to serve the people', held at Reading Room of Regent Street Polytechnic W1 on 7 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on private conference held by the Joint Committee of Communists on the subject of 'A democratic education to serve the people', held at Reading Room, Regent Street Polytechnic W1 on 7 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on a group of people, inc Manchanda, seen meeting, going to the pub then on to a meeting of the Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation at Regent St Polytechnic on 4 Sept 1968
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on Lambeth VSC magazine, 16 August 1968, pp.214-218
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting (nc UCPA Black Power newsletter) , 11 August 1968, pp.196-202,
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Report on personal details of 5 members of Notting Hill VSC, 7 August 1968, pp.169-171
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Public meeting of Notting Hill VSC, Westbourne Grove, 6 August 1968, pp.160-162
Barry Moss
Metropolitan Police Special Branch
Notting Hill VSC meeting, Westbourne Grove, 6 August 1968, pp.163-164
Barry Moss


Document Type
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 20
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (September 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 19 (March 2021 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 18
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 17
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Ruling 16
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 14 and Ruling 14
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 13
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 12
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 11
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 9
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 8
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 7
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 6
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 5
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers following Minded-To 4
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (January 2018 update)
Explanatory note
CTI – Explanatory note on restriction order applications for SDS officers (November 2017 update)
Explanatory note
Extension of time for service of anonymity applications by the MPS in respect of the SDS (Direction 12)
Anonymity, Restriction order approach