

SDS Manager: Head of the Specal Demonstration Squad (Detective Chief Inspector) or Deputy Head (Detective Inspector)

SDS Staff: Administrative staff with responsibility for issues such as vehicles, preparation of reports, etc.; usually ranks Detective Sergeant, Detective Constable or were civilian staff. 

SB Manager: Special Branch senior officers of rank Superintendent and above.

NominalCover nameReal nameRoleTranche
HN2'Andy Davey'Andrew ColesUCO, SDS StaffT2P2
HN9[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS StaffT2/T3
HN10'Bob Robinson'Robert LambertUCO, SDS ManagerT2P2
HN22[n/a]Michael Clifford BarberSDS Manager 
HN24[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN27[restricted][restricted]SDS Staff or Manager 
HN29[n/a]David CarsonSDS Staff 
HN32[n/a]Michael John CouchSDS Staff 
HN34[n/a]Geoffrey Theodore Michael CraftSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN35[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN36[n/a]to comeSDS Manager 
HN39[n/a]Eric DockerSDS & SB Manager 
HN45'David Robertson'[restricted]UCO, SDS StaffT1P2
HN49[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN51[n/a]Martin Charles GraySDS Staff and Manager 
HN52[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN53[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS Manager 
HN58[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS Manager 
HN59[n/a]John Charles Edward HouchinSDS Staff 
HN61[n/a]Christopher John HydeSDS Staff 
HN67'Alan Bond'[restricted]UCO, SDS ManagerT2P1
HN68'Sean Lynch'[restricted]UCO, SDS ManagerT1P1
HN69[n/a]Malcolm Victor Swan MacLeodUCO, SDS and SB Manager 
HN72[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS Manager 
HN86/HN1361[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS & SB Manager 
HN91[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS & SB Manager 
HN99[n/a]Nigel David ShortSDS Manager 
HN103[n/a]David SmithSDS Staff & SB ManagerT1P3
HN108[n/a]Brian (aka Christopher) SutcliffeSDS Staff 
HN109[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS Manager 
HN110[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN115[n/a]Anthony Russell WaitSDS & SB Manager 
HN120[n/a]John WebbSDS Staff 
HN127[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN129[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN135[restricted]Michael John 'Mike' FergusonUCO, SDS Manager & SB ManagerT1P1, T1P3
HN146[n/a]to comeSDS Staff 
HN190[n/a]?SDS Manager 
HN204[n/a]to comeSDS Staff or Manager 
HN216[n/a]Keith EdmondsonSDS Manager 
HN217[n/a]to comeSDS Staff or Manager 
HN218'Barry Morris'Barry MossUCO, SDS & SB ManagerT1P3, T1P1
HN221[n/a]to comeSDS Staff or Manager 
HN244[n/a]Angus Bryan McIntoshSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN268[n/a]Sarah PhilpotSDS Staff 
HN275[n/a]?SDS Manager 
HN294[n/k][restricted]UCO, SDS Staff and ManagerT1P3
HN306[n/a]Robert Cameron McIntoshSDS Staff 
HN307[n/a]Trevor Charles ButlerSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN308[n/a]Christopher SkeySDS StaffT1P3
HN311[n/a]to comeSDS Staff or Manager 
HN314[n/a]to comeSDS Manager 
HN325[n/k]Conrad Hepworth DixonUCO, SDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN328[n/a]Joan HillierUCO, SDS StaffT1P1
HN332[n/k]Cameron SinclairSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN340'Andy Bailey / 'Alan Nixon'[restricted]UCO, SDS StaffT1P1
HN341[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS Manager 
HN349[restricted][restricted]UCO, SDS StaffT1P1
HN350[n/a]Paul Andrew CroydenSDS StaffT1P3
HN358[n/a]to comeSDS Staff or Manager 
HN368[n/a]Richard James WalkerSDS StaffT1P3
HN371 – see under HN1251 
HN819[n/a]Derek John KnealeSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN1251[n/k]Philip Anthony SaundersSDS & SB ManagerT1P3
HN1361 – see under HN86 
HN1668[n/a]Leslie Herbert WillingaleSDS Staff & Manager, SB ManagerT1P3
HN2152[n/a]Richard Reeves ScullySDS StaffT1P3
HN2401[n/a]Anthony John GreensladeSDS managerT1P3
HN3093[n/a]Roy CreamerSDS Staff, SB ManagerT1P3
HN3095[n/a]William Arthur 'Bill' FurnerSDS StaffT1P3
HN3378[n/a]Derek William Fred BriceSDS ManagerT1P3
HN4229/PN1748[n/a]Riby WilsonSDS & SB ManagerT1P3