MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, HN85 and F6 to discuss HN85's area of deployment, held at redacted venue on 20 Dec 1983
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting with Dave Short to discuss SDS coverage and intelligence esp with 121 Bookshop, SWP, Revolutionary Communist Party and the women's peace movement, held at the SDS office on 6 Dec 1983
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short and F6 to discuss having an officer in Hackney/Stoke Newington, that MI5 know the officer in the RCP is well regarded there, the SDS giving MI5 printouts from the SWP computer and other SDS upd
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file after meeting between David Short, Mike Barber and F6 discussing which campaigns and groups were being infiltrated, held at SDS office on 7 July 1983
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between DCI Short, DI Barber and MI5, inc discussion of peace movement, sacking a public sector employee SWP member, and request to debrief HN106 after his withdrawal, held at Curzon St House on 8 June 1983
Geoffrey Craft
Report that the Revolutionary Communist Party is considering taking up the case of a black woman suspended from her job after being attacked and her union hasn't suppported her
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file reporting two meetings between SDS and F6 for routine exchange of views and update on SDS personnel changes and request info on CND, held at SDS on 22 and 28 Apr 1983
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file reporting meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss liaison between the two services and progress of SDS officers, held at Curzon St House on 20 Oct 1982
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file reporting on meeting between HN68, Dave Short and F6 to discuss MI5's intelligence requests and SDS officers, held at SDS offices on 10 Sept 1982
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for liaison file report on meeting at New Scotland Yard with DCI Kneale (A/CO), DCS Craft and DCI Short to discuss contact between HN106 and a Soviet Military Attache
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 Note for Liaison File on meeting between David Short, HN68 and F6 (later joined by Geoff Craft), held at the SDS office on 29 June 1982
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective at which envelopes were addressed for the distribution of Anarchy magazine, held at 29 Grosvenor Ave N5 on 22 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on private meeting of various anarchists on the subject ‘How should we react to racialism and anti-fascist demonstrations’, held at the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 17 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular weekly meeting of Anarchy Collective discussing proposed premises of the Anarchist Centre and the forthcoming edition of Anarchy, held at 29 Grosvenor Ave on 15 Sep 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a member of the Anarchy Collective who is also involved in the Grosvenor Avenue Tenants Association and intends to be a governor at her child's nursery
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular monthly meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups discussing premises for Anarchist Centre and security, held at Freedom, 84b Whitechapel High St on 3 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report that the full-time organiser for the Outer East London SWP is leaving this post in order to lead the party's new Anti-Fascist League (ANL?)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the newly formed Hornsey SWP discussing plans to find a permanent meeting place, held the Railway Hotel pub, Tottenham Lane on 8 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular weekly meeting of the Anarchy Collective inc discussion of proposed premises of the Anarchist Centre, held at redacted private home on 8 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a routine weekly meeting of the Walthamstow SWP discussing whether the Branch should split into two branches, held at Rose and Crown, Hoe St E17 on 7 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report containing a list of attendees at Progressive Cultural Association concerts in recent months who gave their contact details to organisers (two pages, wholly redacted)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the debate about the Rank and File Movement at the SWP National Conference, gleaned from account given to meeting of Finsbury Park SWP on 6 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the Anarchy Collective, including discussion of the publication ‘Anarchy’ and an upcoming meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups, held at 29 Grosvenor Ave on 1 Sept 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the inaugural meeting of the East London People's Front with major anti-fascist focus, held at the Methodist Church Hall, Barking on 25 Aug 1977, inc its bulletin leaflet
Geoffrey Craft
Report concerning upcoming public meeting of newly formed Hornsey Branch of the SWP inc Paul Foot on ‘Why you should be a socialist’, to be held at the Edison Centre, Edison Rd N8 on 8 Sep 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) held under broad front-group names, inc staging of anti fascist play, due to be held at Co-op Hall, Ilford but cleared by police(!) so moved to Methodist Church Hall on 29 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a small social by the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc performance of Progressive Cultural Association play, held at the Lord Palmerton pub on 11 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on aggregate meeting of Outer East London District of the SWP inc elections of committees and plans to confront NF, held at the Forest Gate School on 18 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP to discuss the 'British Road to Socialism', held at the Rose & Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 13 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Deptford SWP discussing how public meetings of various groups could be protected from attacks by the National Front and the police, held at Oxford Arms pub, Deptford Church St SE14 on Fri 8 July
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of Walthamstow SWP reporting on decisions taken at the Party's recent annual conference, held at the Rose and Crown, Hoe St E17 on 6 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report that, following violent clashes between the National Front and the SWP, the SWP plan to drive National Front paper sellers off the streets at Wood Green and Barking Reg Court on 16 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on personal physical and employment details of a member of Seven Sisters SWP and the National Association of Operative Printers and Assistants woh works at the SWP print shop
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Progressive Cultural Association inc dicussion of a proposed anti-monarchy campaign, held at the Recreation Ground, 31 Winchester Rd NW3 on 26 June 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on informal meeting Lea Valley District SWP following a demo in support of the Lewisham 24 Defence Committee, held at redacted private home N15 on 2 July 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP on law and order inc reference to Islington 18 Defence Committee, held at the Forth Library, Manor Gardens on 1 June 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report listing members Lea Valley District SWP who took part in demo organised by Cypriot Defence Campaign, held outside All Saints Greek Orthodox Church, Camden St NW1 on 12 June
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc discussion on revolutionary feminism, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 1 June 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP inc discussion of upcoming anti-Jubilee demonstration, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 19 May 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular meeting of SE London IMG discussing planning joint action between Big Flame and the IMG in elections and campaigns, held at Flat 2, 53 Limes Grove SE13 on 12 May 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of N London International Communist League discussing Labour's failure to win seats in and victory of NF in local elections the previous day, held at 118 Tollington Park N4 on 6 May 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a day of action organised by the National Union of Public Employees at Weir Maternity Hospital and St George's Hospital, held on 28 April 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of S London Workers' League on 'transitional politics and Trotsky’s transitional programme of 1938', held at redacted venue on 26 April 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Walthamstow SWP inc talk by a British Airways employee on the recent strike at Heathrow Airport, held at the Rose and Crown pub, Hoe St E17 on 20 April 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Finsbury Park SWP inc talk on 'Black music and the origins of modern popular music', held at 265a Seven Sisters Rd on 6 April 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on election campaign aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 21 April 1977, inc leaflets (not attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report that the Socialist Worker has discontinued the employment of full-time organisers following an award of damages for libel against it to a member of the ASTMS
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a weekly meeting of the East London Libertarians on the subject of Anarchy and Libertarianism, held at redacted venue on 10 March 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a public meeting of the Trade Union Committee Against the Prevention of Terrorism Act, held at Hammersmith Town Hall on 27 March 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on personal physical, dietary and musical details of a member of East London Libertarians who is looking for premises for ELL's proposed bookshop/cafe
Geoffrey Craft
Report on private meeting of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) inc discussion of unrest at Fords Dagenham and in the wider motor industry, held at Barking Polytechnic on 2 March 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing internal matters and Piers Corbyn standing in GLC election, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Mar 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on members of East London Branch of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) holding inaugural meeting of Outer East London Anti-Fascist Anti-Racist Committee, held Methodist Hall, Albert Rd, Illford at 24 Feb 1977, inc leaflet (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of East London Libertarians inc discussion of setting up bookshop/cafe and upcoming Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law demo, held at redacted venue on 2 March 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of Southern Africa Solidarity Campaign supported by H'smith and Kensington SWP, held at Cryptic One Club, Holy Trinity Church, Bishops Bridge Rd W2 on 3 Mar 1977, inc leaflet 'Denounce racist murder of Emmanual Alombah' (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a confrontation between West London SWP members and National Front marchers in at Watford Gap services and again at NF demo in Birmingham, on 26 Feb 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Memo from GTM Craft to Commander Operations discussing a forthcoming demo in Birmingham of IMG and SWP against the National Front, 26 Feb 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on an anti-racist caucus of SE London International Marxist Group (3 people inc spycop) discussing the Deptford Anti-Racist Campaign, held at redacted venue on 11 Feb 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on aggregate meeting of S London International Marxist Group discussing local finances and London perspectives for the coming months, held at Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SW5 on 10 Feb 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on personal family, accommodation and vehicle details of a member of the Islington Teachers branch and North London District Committee of the SWP
Geoffrey Craft
Report on fortnightly meeting of East London Libertarians on ‘What's wrong with the Women's Movement’, held at redacted private home on 2 Feb 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of all London student members of the International Marxist Group, held at the St Clements Building, LSE on 27 Jan 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report listing IMG members who attended that National Abortion Campaign tribunal, held at Central Hall, Westminster on 29 Jan 1977 (list wholly redacted)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a picket planned by N London District SWP and N London Women's Voice at the surgery Michael O'Halloran MP who voted to amend the Abortion Act, to be held at the corner of Holloway Rd and Pemberton Gdns N19 on 11 March 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of the IMG in support of leaders of the American Socialist Workers’ Party, held at Friends House, Euston Road on 14 Jan 1977, inc cuttings from Observer, Red Weekly and News Line (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on fortnightly meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington SWP at which members were elected as Women's Organiser and HN296 as Flame Organiser, held at Westcott Lodge pub on 20 Jan 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of N London District SWP titled ‘Why you should be a Socialist’, held in the North Library, Manor Gardens E7 on 19 Jan 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a founding delegate conference of the All Lewisham Campaign against Racialism and Fascism, held at Catford Town Hall on 22 Jan 1977
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group inc discussion of upcoming All Lewisham Campaign against Racism and Fascism conference, held at redacted venue on 16 Dec 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on personal details of a teacher who plans to move to the North of England with her husband (name and group she was invovled with redacted)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of Islington International Socialists supported by the Finsbury Park branch with speaker Duncan Hallas on the socialist alternative to the Labour government, held at Essex Rd Library on 8 Dec 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the National Conference of the Anarchist Workers Association (HN300 nominated for National Secretary), held at Wandsworth Council for Community Relations, 172 Lavender Hill SW11 on 14-15 Feb 1976, inc 15 page agenda (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of North London International Socialists titled 'The fight against racialism', held at Earlshead School, Broad Lane N15 on 22 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on inaugural district aggregate meeting of the North London District of the International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 1 Dec 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on open letter from the the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) to the Communist Workers League of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) in response to a CWLB (M-L) policy document (letter attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on national aggregate conference of the Workers’ League, held at Birmingham University Students Union and Selly Oak Institute, Birmingham, on 23-24 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Battersea and Wandsworth Anti-Fascist Committee, held at Battersea Peoples Aid and Action centre, 8 Falcon Rd SW11 on 2 Nov 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on planned picket of a National Front election meeting by the International Marxist Group and International Socialists, to be held at Loughborough School, Brixton on 10 Nov 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the last in the series of the Communist Unity Association-inspired discussions on party building, held at Willingham Hall NW3 on 16 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a planned demo by N London International Socialists against cuts in public expenditure, to be held during PM James Callaghan's visit to Woodberry Dean estate on 9 Nov 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular meeting of SE London sub-area of the International Marxist Group, held at 23 Heldon House, Deptford SE5 on on 13 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a public meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups on 'The Right to Live' to form an alternative to the International Socialists' Right to Work campaign, held at the Roebuck pub, Tottenham Court Rd on 26 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a Southern area aggregate meeting of the North London District of International Socialists, held at North London Polytechnic, Holloway Rd N7 on 6 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on contact details provided to members of Hackney and Tower Hamlets International Socialists who want to help with the pre-election campaign in Walsall
Geoffrey Craft
Report on upcoming picket of a National Front meeting, organised by the Brent Trades Council and supported by International Socialists, to be held at Burnt Oak library on 14 Oct 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing restructuring of the London organisation, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 29 Sept 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing various topics inc a proposed week of action to protest against public sector cuts, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford SE8 on 23 Sept 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on plans by Big Flame to oppose the Gery Lawless leadership clique at the next Troops Out Movement National Delegate Conference, HN297 nominated to take over
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Hammersmith and Kensington International Socialists discussing upcoming picket outside a Magistrates Court for trail of people arrested at Notting Hill Carnival riots, held 17 Sept 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the fourth in the series of party-building studies hosted by the Communist Unity Association trying to reconcile M-L factions, held at Willingham Hall NW3 on 7 Sept 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting held by the Trico Strike Committee chaired by the AUEW Divisional Organiser for the strike, held at 1 Woodlands Rd, Southall on 31 Aug 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297, held at New Inn pub, Tottenham Court Road on 25 Aug 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on IMG plan to call for a national mobilisation of its members to participate in the anti-fascist demonstration in Blackburn on 9 Sept 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc discussion of interventions in Greenwich Labour Party by two members, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 28 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular fortnightly meeting of SE London Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297 inc reports from the Labour Movement Delegation sub-committee and the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of TOM, held at Charlton House SE7 on 28 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of the London Ireland Commission of Big Flame as part of a policy of resisting the TOM leadership, held at 62 Peckham Rd SE5 (home of HN297) on 25 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular business meeting of SE London IMG inc a general discussion of anti-racist work, held at 233 Holden House SE8 on 22 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the first public meeting of the Hackney Community Relations Council, defended by a guard of left-wing groups, held at Stoke Newington Hall on 22 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on aggregate meeting of Inner East London District International Socialists discussing questions raised at the National Conference of the IS, held at Britannia pub, Mare St E8 on 23 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of the Hackney International Socialists titled 'Black Workers in Struggle - Jamaica - Africa - Britain', held at Princess May School, Hackney on 14 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Special Branch report on a meeting of the Middlesex Branch of the Worker's League disussing 'race work' and the need to educate Asian people about Marxism, held at Public Rooms, South Street, Isleworth on 15 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the SE London branch of Troops Out Movement inc discussion on branch delegate ruled out of order by Gery Lawless at the previous Central Co-Ordinating Committee meeting, held at Charlton House SE7 on 14 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the inaugural meeting of the newly amalgamated International Socialists district branch of North West and Inner West London, held at Hampstead Heath NW3 on 27 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a joint debate held by the IMG and the International Communist League on ’Building a Trotskyist International', held at Conway Hall on 25 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular weekly meeting of the Hackney International Socialists inc speech from a member of Building Workers branch of IS about Right to Work campaign, held at Centerprise on 8 July 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular business meeting of the SE London area of the International Marxist Group, held at 23 Holden House, Deptford Church Street SE8 on 24 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the Central Co-Ordinating Committee of Troops Out Movement inc discussion the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) withdrawing support for TOM, held at ULU, Malet St, WC1 on 11 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting between members of the Workers' League and the International Communist League held to discuss plans for a joint meeting on the subject of 'Troops out of Ireland', held at the Salutation pub, King St W6 on 30 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of West Middlesex District of the Workers' League in conjunction with the South Asia Socialist Forum, held at the Public Rooms, Isleworth on 27 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular fortnightly meeting of the SE London branch of TOM (charied by HN297) inc an educational lecture by Richard Chessum on CPGB's position on Ireland, held at Charlton House SE7 on 2 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of NE London Workers Action Support Group featuring a speaker from the International Communist League, held at Centreprise bookshop, Kingsland High Road E8 on 1 June 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a series of educational meetings held by the South London group of Big Flame, including discussion of 'The Working Class, The Unions and Mass Practice', held at 121 Railton Road, Brixton on 27 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of Tower Hamlets IS discussing the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law, held at Music library, Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green E2 on 27 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the first of a series of talks on party building held between members representing several Marxist-Leninist groups, held at Burgh House, New Road NW3 on 22 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular weekly meeting of SE London branch of TOM discussing a report on the TOM National Delegate Conference, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 19 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of SE London TOM discussing upcoming TOM National Delegate Conferenceon 15-16 May, held at Charlton House SE7 on 12 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the first national aggregate meeting of the Workers' League, held at Digbeth Civic Hall, Birmingham on 8-9 May 1976, inc draft constitution
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Hammersmith IS discussing present construction of the branch and upcoming Save Acton Hospital picket, held at redacted home of Barry Pavier and Pete Cannell on 6 May 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the TOM London Co-Ordinating Committee discussing arrangements for the TOM National Delegate Conference (HN297 is 'convenor of the Secetariat'), held at ULU, Malet St on 23 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the South London Group of Big Flame on lessons from Portugal inc screening of 'On The Side of the People' chaired by HN297, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Road SE7 on 12 April 1974
Geoffrey Craft
Report of a regular meeting of West Middlesex District of the Workers' League discussing whether to work within the Labour Party, held at Isleworth Public Rooms, South Street, Isleworth on 29 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on IMG meeting to build support for a SE London branch of the National Co-ordinating Committee Against Cuts in the NHS, held at Charlton House SE6 on 21 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a public meeting of the Save Acton Hospital Campaign inc screening of IS film stopped due to adverse response, held at Woodlands Hall W3 on 13 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting to form the Trade Union Committee Against the Prevention of Terrorism Act in Nov 1975 and its launch conference, held at Hammersmith Town Hall on 10 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report submitting Workers Revolutionary Party publications, thrice-weekly 'News Digest' and a sheet trailing a new newspaper 'Daily Newsline' (neither attached), and details of upcoming Mayday march
Geoffrey Craft
Report of meeting of S London AWA where HN300 is chosen as the delegate to the Federation of London Anarchists Group (FLAG), held at redacted private home on 1 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of the Federation of London Anarchist Groups (HN300 is the AWA rep), held at Freedom Bookshop, 84b Whitechapel High Street E1 on 3 April 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on regular meeting of the London Co-Ordinating Committee of Troops Out Movement, held at ULU, Malet St WC1 on 26 March 1976, inc document 'National Labour Movement Delegation to Ireland: Convenor's Report' (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith International Socialists at which solicitor John Witzenfeld discussed his work ensuring the release of 44 Right to Work marchers, held at the Windmill pub, High St W3 on 25 March 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of SE London Troops Out Movement discussing the TOM labour movement delegation to Ireland, held at Charlton House SE7 on 24 March 1971
Geoffrey Craft
Report on recruitment drive meeting of Big Flame inc screening of 'On the Side of the People' (chaired by HN297), held at Stockwell Hall SW4 on 17 March 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of South East London Troops Out Movement discussing the recent conference of the National Co-ordinating Committee, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Rd SE7 on 10 March 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of organisation campaigning on the Prevention of Terrorism Act set up International Socialists and supported by Hammersmith Shop Stewards Committee, held at unspecified West London venue in Nov 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith International Socialists discussing the upcoming Right to Work rally on 20 March, held at Westcott Lodge pub W6 on 11 March 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Letter from Special Branch to MI5 highlighting withdrawal of SB's source from Workers Revolutionary Party and enclosing SB report on Workers Revolutionary Party Education Centre in Derbyshire (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report on march and meeting by Coventry and Chrysler Right to Work Committee, supported by International Socialists, against National Front demo and National Party gatherings in Coventry on 28 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc talk on 'The Rights of Nations to Self-Determination', held at Charlton House SE7, 18 Feb 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Memo from Rodger to Ch. Supt. 'S' Squad requesting set up of group to assess the continuing need for SDS, breadth of coverage and dissemination of intelligence
Geoffrey Craft
Report on attempts by International Socialists to arrange national mobilisation in opposition to a National Front march to be held in Coventry on 28 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on potential meetings between the Anarchist Workers Association and Social Revolution 'to hinder re-emergence of the Anarchist Federation of Britain (AFED)'
Geoffrey Craft
Report identifying a delegate from the Central London Anarchist Group who attended the National Conference of the Anarchist Workers Association to see if AWA would join the Anarchist Federation of Britain
Geoffrey Craft
Report on press conference by Workers Revolutionary Party to announce cessation of trading of Plough Press and publication 'Workers Press', held at WRP HQ in Clapham, 13 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a weekend meeting of London members of IMG enclosing a document titled 'Proposals for Improving the London Organisation', held at Islington Library N1 on 6-7 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular weekly meeting of SE London Troops Out Movement discussing a potential fund-raising event, held at Charlton House, Hornfair Rd SE7 on 11 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report of a dayschool held by Big Flame in Liverpool discussing group policy/direction, at Stanley House Community Centre, L8 on 7 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of TOM London Co-Ordinating Committee at which Gery Lawless reported on the Bloody Sunday rally and demo, held at Friends International Centre WC1, 6 Feb 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a study class by the Communist Unity Association (Marxist-Leninist) on Lenin's lecture 'The State', held at redacted private home on 30 Jan 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report that a group of libertarian communists from various groups meet weekly and support the Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law and will hold a public meeting at the Lee Centre on 15 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report that the IMG is rallying support for a student week of action due to start 23 Feb 1976, opposing education cuts and other government policies, with a day-long rally at Assembly Hall, Inst. For Education, Malet Street on 28 Feb
Geoffrey Craft
Report on public meeting of Wandsworth branch of the Anarchist Workers Association, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre, Falcon Rd Battersea 27 Jan 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of Hammersmith International Socialists discussing 'right to work' campaigning, held at Westcott Lodge pub W12 on 22 Jan 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on upcoming weekend school hosted by Workers Revolutionary Party for North and East London regions of WRP Young Socialists, to be held at White Meadows (aka Red House) Parwich, Derbyshire on 31 Jan and 1 Feb 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc discussion of branch's forthcoming public meeting, held at Charlton House SE7, 21 Jan 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of TOM London Co-Ordinating Committee discussing forthcoming TOM rally following Bloody Sunday demonstration, held at Friends International Centre WC1, 9 Jan 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
MI5 note for policy file on meeting between DCI Kneale, DI Craft and F5 on MI5 using outdated SDS infiltration info, and on Met Special Branch giving lectures to provincial SBs about the supposedly secret SDS and what it's done
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of Wandsworth Anarchist Workers Association chaired by HN300, held at the Peoples Aid and Action Centre on 6 Jan 1976
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of SE London branch of TOM inc discussion of forthcoming public meeting sponsored by Greenwich Trades Council, held at Charlton House SE7, 5 Jan 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM inc discussion of the attitude of the Communist Party towards Ireland, held at Charlton House SE7, 27 Oct 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report concerning personal details members of Hackney branches of the Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists in response to letter from redacted source
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a national conference of the Medical Campaign Against Private Practice, held at City University, St John Street EC1 on 11 Oct 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a business meeting of the SE London International Marxist Group discussing potential agitation among students at Goldsmiths & Thames Poly, held at a private residence on 17 Sept 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a regular weekly meeting of South East London Troops Out Movement chaired by HN297 Rick Gibson, held at Charlton House SE7 on 23 Sept 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Minute sheet containing correspondence between various managers, including the Commander and DAC, discussing HN298's reporting on the WRP course in Derbyshire
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a business meeting of SE London International Marxist Group, main topic Portugal situation, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE16 on 13 Aug 1974
Geoffrey Craft
Report on cancellation of an International Marxist Group meeting 'The current situation in Portugal', to have been held at Conway Hall on 20 Aug 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Rport on a meeting of Wandsworth AWA where it is decided that HN300 remain as treasurer and be a delegate to a national conference, held at Jolly Gardener pub, York Road SW11 on 7 Aug 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on an open discussion of 'The Nature of the Soviet Union' held jointly by the NE Lewisham Communist Party and SE London International Marxist Group, held at the Lee Centre, Aislibie Road SE12 on 8 August 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report enclosing a leaflet titled 'What's wrong with your school?' produced by the Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of SE London International Marxist Group discussing attendance at upcoming TOM picket of Woolwich Barracks on 4 July, held at the Queens Arms, Burrage Road SE18 on 2 July 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of the Shrewsbury Two Action Committee, held under the aegis of the Workers Revolutionary Party at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, on 29 June 1975, inc draft resolution (attached)
Geoffrey Craft
Report that members of SE London TOM attended a Labour party meeting on the forthcoming by-election in West Woolwich, held at Alderwood School SE9, 17 June 1976, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee (3 people inc HN300), held at 8 Falcon Road SW11 on 10 June 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on meeting of Twickenham International Socialists inc HN200 voted as Contacts Secretary, held at redacted private home on 29 May 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London branch of TOM discussing impending Labour Movement Conference, held at Goldsmiths, 20 May 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London TOM, discussing reports of the National Co-Ordinating Committee Conference, held at Goldsmiths, 5 May 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly aggregate meeting of the SE London district of the IMG, held at the Queen's Arms pub, Burrage Road SW18 on 24 April 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a screening of Ireland Behind the Wire followed by a talk on the Irish situation, held at Goldsmiths Student Union, 29 April 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on weekly meeting of SE London branch of TOM inc TOM documents Delegate Conference, held at 234 Burrage Road SE18, 14 April 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on personal details of a member of the Central Committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party and National Committee of the All Trades Union Alliance
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a meeting of West Middlesex District International Socialists on the upcoming EEC referendum, held at the Public Rooms, South Street, Isleworth on 6 Feb 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on the Central Committee Political Bureau of the Marxist-Leninist Organisation of Britain declaring support for the aims of the Troops Out movement
Geoffrey Craft
Report on informal meeting to discuss the formation of SE London TOM, held in Goldsmiths Students' Union bar, 6 Feb 1975, inc minute sheet
Geoffrey Craft
Report on lecture by Workers Revolutionary Party, speaker Gerry Healy on the topic of Marxism, held at the Portway School, West Ham E15 on 3 Feb 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on a demo against the imprisonment of a student from Sheffield University arrested at an anti-fascist demo, held in Leeds on 18 Jan 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report on aggregate meeting of West Middlesex District of the International Socialists, held at the Public Library, Cherington Road, Hanwell on 16 Jan 1975
Geoffrey Craft
Report that the Shop Stewards Committee at Rank Pullin Ltd have written to all large factories in West London calling for a rank and file conference to create a system of mututal support for industrial action
Geoffrey Craft
Report on London student aggregate meeting of the International Marxist Group, held at University of London Union, Malet Street WC1 on 8 Jan 1975
Geoffrey Craft